Message from @Goodwood of Dank™

Discord ID: 620383747736338443

2019-09-08 22:12:41 UTC  

we hold ourselves back lest we make a mistake and doom everything irreparably

2019-09-08 22:13:05 UTC  

i believe i saw that in Brazil, they lost gun rights, then they voted to get them back, and they still dont have their guns back

2019-09-08 22:13:16 UTC  

when you lose something like that, its very hard to take it back

2019-09-08 22:15:11 UTC  

and when i say fundamental changes, i mean things like the invention of something such as Social Media, Automation, Birth Control, Planetary Travel, Nuclear Weapons

2019-09-08 22:15:52 UTC  

before social media, you could only get information from non-authoritative sources by going to a bulletin board in your own town

2019-09-08 22:16:38 UTC  

opens up a huge amount of ideas and influences, and makes people question freedom of speech, as well as if Twitter should be considered like a public forum, but its a private business, so how does this work?

2019-09-08 22:18:03 UTC  

Nuclear Weapons makes it so we just cant go to war with each other under the threat of total annihilation, and so we need to be much more Agreeable as a species in negotiations, but not so far that we reduce individuality to second to globalisation

2019-09-08 22:19:32 UTC  

the only approach is bottom up, where the individuals have their minor changes in a slow evolution, biological or philosophical, otherwise its a Tyranny

2019-09-08 22:19:49 UTC  

unless of course you do the Thanos

2019-09-08 22:20:23 UTC  

and so its necessary to think od individuals but also across the huge span of time AS IF we are a singular hive mind entity

2019-09-08 22:20:25 UTC  

C-c-c-combo breaker!

2019-09-08 22:20:46 UTC  

but the entire hive mind entity can be changed by the actions of a single person, especially NOW

2019-09-08 22:21:31 UTC  

All of this is dabbed on SO hard by the CCP that it's unbelievable that you don't feel dabbed on out of existence.

2019-09-08 22:22:10 UTC  

rephrase that for me if you will

2019-09-08 22:22:31 UTC  

nah, I don feel like I rly need to

2019-09-08 22:22:56 UTC  

well i dont understand what it is youre saying and if youre trying to talk to me, youre going to have to or i have to ignore you

2019-09-08 22:23:07 UTC  

because i simply dont understand

2019-09-08 22:23:11 UTC  

I'm talking to the audience tbh^^

2019-09-08 22:23:13 UTC  

Just ignore him. He likes to pretend to be smarter than he is.

2019-09-08 22:23:20 UTC  


2019-09-08 22:23:31 UTC  

I'm talking about you, chucklenuts.

2019-09-08 22:23:43 UTC  

I know, lover

2019-09-08 22:23:45 UTC  

also, im part of the audience too

2019-09-09 00:51:20 UTC  

@Boop / 브파 / C'thUwU Sorry im only just getting to see this. I agree with everyone you said essentially. I guess the biggest thing bugging me has been if Democracy is so essentially was is there so many who are very vocal about it not being as needed. Is it arguable they are just misguided or are they trying to ruin the system on purpose?

2019-09-09 00:52:03 UTC  

"Anyone who tells you not to think is not your friend."

2019-09-09 00:53:36 UTC  

probably quite a few reasons

2019-09-09 00:53:51 UTC  

one i would imagine is fearmongering and misinformation via mainstream media

2019-09-09 00:54:32 UTC  

A lot of people think they have the facts, when in actuality they've been thoroughly misled.

2019-09-09 00:54:42 UTC  

and the fact that influential people such as celebrities are very far removed from society that they just say things like 'everyone should just get a house whats so hard about that'

2019-09-09 00:54:45 UTC  

That's what happens when the MSM abandons all pretense of objectivity.

2019-09-09 00:54:56 UTC  

but they dont look into it because theyre in a costume for 9 hours pretending to be someone else

2019-09-09 00:55:18 UTC  

Actors act. Celebrities act up.

2019-09-09 00:55:40 UTC  

the fact that the masses are ez to mislead is not exactly a gr8 argument in favor of democracy you know...

2019-09-09 00:56:11 UTC  

then theres also moral equivalency, where technically, islam and Christianity are completely neutral in their objective stance to reality

2019-09-09 00:56:26 UTC  

one is not better than the other on principle

2019-09-09 00:56:44 UTC  

except it depends on the productions of both of them

2019-09-09 00:56:51 UTC  

this statement is nonsensical

2019-09-09 00:57:06 UTC  

they both *are* different moral systems

2019-09-09 00:57:30 UTC  

but then you get the narrative of the power struggle of the Marxists which is to say that people have power because they took it from others

2019-09-09 00:58:08 UTC  

abandoning the idea of being more popular because you align with human's necessity and desries for things thatre are fast, efficient, and cheap

2019-09-09 00:58:14 UTC  

the only way you can judge one as better or worse then the other is if you have your own moral system to judge them by, and if you do, you obviously consider that system to be superior to either, so it;s really not a very important distinction at all