Message from @Aleeacerix the Gaul(Velissarios)

Discord ID: 620440736352960541

2019-09-09 01:55:40 UTC  

one state*

I'm happy to live in a place with a culture I enjoy, within the US.

2019-09-09 01:56:06 UTC  

id enjoy my culture if it wasnt apparently satanic to do so

2019-09-09 01:56:19 UTC  


Close, in the eyes of the usual suspects.

2019-09-09 01:56:43 UTC  

anytime an american says they live in a facsist state im like please dont insult me

Having an appreciation for the culture that spawned you and your own national heritage is apparently a very great deal of buzzwords.

2019-09-09 01:57:10 UTC  


2019-09-09 01:57:14 UTC  


2019-09-09 02:01:34 UTC  

the only answer is diversity training for the entire population!

2019-09-09 02:01:59 UTC  

we must instill the ignorant with the correct perspectives on outgroups

2019-09-09 02:02:38 UTC  

In my opinion it was a shit article, but not even an iota as racist as it's made out to be. Just thick headed.
- Reddit User

2019-09-09 02:06:15 UTC  

It isn’t censorship when it’s hate speech. It’s following the rules of the Canadian charter of rights. People can’t just spew what they want in Canada. Thankfully, we don’t really want to go down that rabbit hole do we?
- Reddit User

2019-09-09 02:06:51 UTC  

Censorship is when the state gets involved and decides what can and cannot be published. Unless I missed something, I don't think that word means what you think it means.
- Reddit User

2019-09-09 02:07:38 UTC  

Folks who are saying "what, you can't tolerate dissenting viewpoints"/complaining it got removed: the editor in chief of the goddamn paper admitted on Twitter last night that he hadn't read the piece before it was published and that he made a huge mistake. This wasn't removed due to pressure or "censorship" or any of those populist drivel insinuations, it was removed because it wasΒ a shitty op-edΒ with lax standards and zero credibility.

The guy isn't a professor. He doesn't have a lick of expertise in foreign policy or immigration reform. His place is in letters to the editor, not an op-ed in a paper with a six figure circulation.
- Reddit User

2019-09-09 02:09:05 UTC  

When common sense becomes inflammatory taboo breaking you may have a problem on your hands.^^

2019-09-09 02:09:58 UTC  

But but but it's not censorship! The newspaper took the paper down itself!

2019-09-09 02:10:21 UTC  

I rly don care weather it's censorship or not

2019-09-09 02:10:34 UTC  

The the the article didn't met journalistic standards you racist!!! - Leftie

2019-09-09 02:10:35 UTC  

It's about the taboo being toxic

2019-09-09 02:11:10 UTC  

All societies have taboos because you cannot reasonably expect public ideology to have all the answers all of the time

2019-09-09 02:11:20 UTC  

But some taboos are worse then others

2019-09-09 02:11:37 UTC  

If your taboo is so blatantly toxic like this one

2019-09-09 02:11:52 UTC  

Your public ideology might need changing, is all I'm saying

2019-09-09 02:13:04 UTC  

Let me get this straight, the idea of a "good" immigrant according to Hecht is one who is completely whitewashed into Canadian society? Leave behind your past, your cultural identity, everything that was who you were before moving to Canada?

And what is Canadian anyway? British? French? Christian? Catholic? Loggers? Oil diggers? Someone please tell me what is expected of an immigrant in Canada.

Let me share my story. I am an Asian man, born and raised in Canada. I barely speak Chinese, and I can't read or write it. I've never even been to China or anywhere in Asia before. My parents immigrated here in the 60's and due to personal private reasons, my mom was never able to learn English, but my dad did. He integrated into society like a good citizen.

Here I am, more Canadian than Asian. I can barely converse with my own mother. Never been to Asia. But because of my Asian appearance, I STILL fucking experience racism. Granted not as much as a new immigrant, but still.

I am Canadian. I live and breathe and bleed Canada. I am living proof that immigration works according to Hecht's lofty standards, but I will never be accepted. The fact that he wrote this opinion letter is proof that he has discounted me and others like me in Canada.

Just to note though, I have lived up to it, but I don't agree with his immigration ideals. I think diversity is good, and Canada has a responsibility to adopt to immigrant cultures as much as immigrants should adopt to Canada. It's symbiosis, not assimilation.
- Reddit User

2019-09-09 02:18:50 UTC  

How did that racist garbage article get published? Ethnic diversity is like eye colour diversity, something that has no effect on societal cohesion and everyone that's not racist should know that. As far as immigration goes, every study I've seen indicates that the intake levels are manageable at 1% from our population, and we are currently doing that. Integration is successful for the most part ; as long as we insist on instilling (or alternatively screening for) social liberal values in newcomers and ensuring that these are solidified into the general population, there should be no major long term problems. Authors like this one are generalizing on the few bad examples they can find and using that to justify prophecies of future social apocalypse as well as excuses to stop immigration & respect for diversity in Canada. They are quite transparently pushing for their version of an homogenous ethno state. I see this article has now rightly been pulled out, but it never should have appeared in the first place. Not the first time that the Sun has had writers push for xenophobic narratives and it's shameful that they're really called out for it.

2019-09-09 02:18:59 UTC  

- Reddit User

2019-09-09 02:48:41 UTC  

@Jack of Trades Reddit responses to this

2019-09-09 03:12:08 UTC  

Imagine living in a world where all the rules were decided by reddit.

2019-09-09 03:12:15 UTC  

It would be an authoritarian nightmare

2019-09-09 03:55:04 UTC  

@HurtChain I can't imagine it

2019-09-09 03:55:15 UTC  

Because I'd just blow my brains out

2019-09-09 06:30:11 UTC  

It is absolutely correct that mass immigration causes distrust

2019-09-09 06:30:32 UTC  

Controlled immigration however does not, it can in fact strengthen trust if done right.

2019-09-09 06:30:51 UTC  
