Message from @Thomas Ryan
Discord ID: 318403627108532224
I need the money.
It hurts.
Population: 1,488
What y'all up to my white friends
The building is not the church. The people are the church
Hey since we no longer have a homeland maybe we can become Jews and Jew the Jew's. jk obviously
I wonder how the polish would feel about me wearing a swastika shirt in public
Some of them would probably be okay with it
Most probably not
Even the Nationalist Poles are anti-Nazi because they were invaded by them
Wouldn't u
Who is the SC in OK?
The spirit of Christianity in the west is no longer a scientific argument, it as an argument of survival and of morals. Christianity has historically served as a Vanguard against all forms of degeneracy, Islamic expansion, and historically was recognized as *the* antisemitic theology. Unless we recover this the moral decay will continue.
Posters that were put up by staff at colleges in the UK
@SonderSchutz TX Kant wuz a good goy he dindu nuffin.
Hiw was be racist? By recording factual evidence ?
>Winston Churchill
>6 million
Surely they can only say 6 million so many times before people are going to realize
Why is this the next generation woke
Fight or flight is why
Biggest red pill is just actually being around niggers