Message from @Muten
Discord ID: 620505152520192001
I shall murder you with a spoon @Gservator
<:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586> <:pepegun:588019479401726001>
fuck off, Roosevelt made America great
Lincoln did it first
Roosevelt was the first to make it great again
For some reason
***go away***
imagine a wife
Ah she left him for the bull
ofc she didn't take kids, they are not shaun's
You don't have one?
that's inconcievably out of my league
you can't become a wife?
I'll let you borrow one for a bit I have enough to keep me busy
a closer milestone to achieve is a girl remembers my name
my thoughts exactly, but comparitively of more liklihood than marriage
My women always tell me "I'll call you by your name when you start calling me by mine" but I can't for the life of me think of any other name but "Dishwasher"
we're clearly speaking from seperate sets of difficulties
The white man who fucked the police
holy shit that chick is trying to make it look like she's got an ass when she doesnt XD
Vegans haven't got the protein for an ass
shit meme alert
It's all I could find in the GIFs. Discord doesn't afford me the luxury of having decent memes at my instantaneous disposal. 😉
i got 2 tb of memes
>all these hard working yellow and brown people doing their best to be the top plastic polluting country in the world with the wh*te man coming at bottom 20 but the media still says america is top dog
whiteys stealing our culture yet again