Message from @TXStormer
Discord ID: 327614886064685057
does it look weird with the wing touching the blue rectangle
i thought it might, when i was thinking about it the other night, but it looks fine
very fucking cool
I need a flag.
Lots of people have been asking if we sell them, we should try!
We could get lots of shekels
^^^ would be awesome as a flag
@everyone who's trying to get on voice this evening?
I might
And are there any SoCal vanguard members? I'm going to be here for a long while so I might as well try to meet up.
Just bought a Templar flag for like $4.99 with free shipping
That black sun flag would look nice on Captain America's shield. Make it his new shield.
Yeah it would.
Made it my twitter banner. Hope you goys are sufficiently jelly.
"Charles Thomson specified a bundle of arrows, and in his preliminary sketch (above) showed the thirteen arrows tightly aligned – a symbol of "strength in unity" that's found in the traditional cultures everywhere, from the Romans to the Iroquois."
Tightly aligned
Someone stole my credit card and I'm $550 in debt now
can you dispute it?
Dude just dispute it.
I did , but I still have to pay it back. My credit card company is some cheap ass one.
all they can do is dispute the last purchase and send me a new card
Does Vanguard sell those American black sun flags?
No, but we're looking to
Everyone wants one
Yeah pretty cool design. You guys have aesthetics down solid
Nigger dog
Nice doggo
Looks like a rat terrier
So I'm rewatching Trailer Park Boys from the beginning. The greatest comedy ever created
Lady killer, except he CANNOT be around another dog without trying to violently rape it.