Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 620788762498301975
because some suck the D
others partake in that light mode
Only eyelets use dark theme
I think, perhaps, I'll have to modify that meme.
Also, that looks like Mt. Doom.
idk advocates.... from what ive seen theres plenty of online nerds that will take a trap any day
Traps are not trans
ok but trans have tits and i dont see how unless youre just gay how that could be any goddamn worse
if anything a trap is a lower version than trans
Traps are generally passable
trans aren't afaik
(at least more than traps are)
>mental problems in current year determining attractiveness and passability
bruh no wonder you guys are all incels
>the mental illness doesn't factor into whether I consider someone attractive
(at least for the most part) someone burnt their foot
if it's something like schizophrenia or down syndrom, it totally does
and lets be real here the biggest reason you dont like trans is bc theyre usually sjw and leftists and soyboys
(even so, the former is only considered by me to be bad if there's visual and auditory hallucinations often)
which is well founded yes
if it's some hallucinations like hella rare (if it's rarer than once a month), sure maybe
would smash a schizo chick
not possible
hol up
hes just straight with extra steps!
all i want to point out is there are trans ppl out there that arent cringe and libtards @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck