Message from @Uksio

Discord ID: 617414749457481754

2019-08-31 17:43:10 UTC  

not what Side does

2019-08-31 17:43:15 UTC  

if ur not sure

2019-08-31 17:43:19 UTC  

just don link it

2019-08-31 17:43:21 UTC  


2019-08-31 17:43:32 UTC

2019-08-31 17:43:39 UTC  

Side is less wholesome then a literal faggot

2019-08-31 17:43:41 UTC  

yall wanna see some cool shit?

2019-08-31 17:43:53 UTC  

Carmack's gotten old tho lol

2019-08-31 17:44:00 UTC  


2019-08-31 17:44:11 UTC  

tbh if I could play vidya all day, eat all day, and have 0 consequences I'd do it lmao

2019-08-31 17:44:12 UTC  

is he still at occulus

2019-08-31 17:44:58 UTC  

kek I have photos from my ex gf's phone on my PC still

2019-08-31 17:45:07 UTC  


2019-08-31 17:45:10 UTC  

he is

2019-08-31 17:45:10 UTC  

dox her

2019-08-31 17:45:12 UTC  

these fucks always have enablers though

2019-08-31 17:45:15 UTC  

tbh, I like the Vive better

2019-08-31 17:45:24 UTC  

Meh, its nothing incriminating

2019-08-31 17:45:31 UTC  

dox her anyway

2019-08-31 17:45:47 UTC  

Also... she took that photo she said she didn't

2019-08-31 17:45:55 UTC  

Does someone have an invite to this server?

2019-08-31 17:45:58 UTC  

they always do

2019-08-31 17:47:29 UTC  

Ther is a photo of my butt lol

2019-08-31 17:48:30 UTC  


2019-08-31 17:48:49 UTC  

@2K noone I know is that fat. Such a person would disgust me

2019-08-31 17:49:17 UTC  

I absolutely would not be friends with someone that large. Do not insult me in this way again.

2019-08-31 17:49:53 UTC  

i dnt hang with fat people, cuz if the apocalypse happens while you're hanging out with them... do you really trust them to not eat you?

2019-08-31 17:50:00 UTC  


2019-08-31 17:50:01 UTC  

think about it

2019-08-31 17:50:08 UTC  

Company party so boring

2019-08-31 17:50:13 UTC  

Oooh it's a photo of my butt when she convinced me to try her skirt on <:poggers:583775485620781087>

2019-08-31 17:50:18 UTC  

I remember that one

2019-08-31 17:50:19 UTC  

@UnScottable I mean, wouldn't you keep them around so you could eat THEM?

2019-08-31 17:50:19 UTC  

are they ever not boring?

2019-08-31 17:50:22 UTC  

We already left and it's still boring

2019-08-31 17:50:29 UTC  

So I'm out for a bit

2019-08-31 17:50:38 UTC  

@Uksio post it

2019-08-31 17:50:42 UTC  

On my way to ____/

2019-08-31 17:50:51 UTC  

mmm.... depends on the kind of apocalypse i guess... prob would be too disgusted to eat their fat