Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 620961489943265290

2019-09-10 12:37:30 UTC  

pray, rape white girls, and blow up usually

2019-09-10 12:37:34 UTC  

so i get my job done in 2 hrs

2019-09-10 12:37:38 UTC  

they take all day

2019-09-10 12:37:41 UTC  


2019-09-10 12:37:47 UTC  

nah, only the entry-level muzzies blow up

2019-09-10 12:37:55 UTC  

but ye

2019-09-10 12:38:00 UTC  

they talk about buttsex

2019-09-10 12:38:04 UTC  

top-tier muzzies don't have a fuse

2019-09-10 12:38:05 UTC  

and bitch about everything

2019-09-10 12:38:07 UTC  

The experienced ones have already blown up.

2019-09-10 12:38:08 UTC  

all the time

2019-09-10 12:38:09 UTC  


2019-09-10 12:38:16 UTC  

they have henchmen for that

2019-09-10 12:38:53 UTC  

What do Muslims and most of the girls the guys in here date all have in common?

2019-09-10 12:38:53 UTC  

Are you sure you're describing muzzies, not the actual British? ||Or is that the same thing?||

2019-09-10 12:38:59 UTC  

They all BLOW UP

2019-09-10 12:39:11 UTC  

Imagine your wife in a good mood while she sows your suicide vest. ^^

2019-09-10 12:39:13 UTC  


2019-09-10 12:39:14 UTC  


2019-09-10 12:39:15 UTC  

Slavs havent really had anything of their own, most of the things they claim to have created are either things they outright copied from their neighbours or things they inherited from their conquerors or people they conquered.
Slavs conquered the Balkans and took everything Byzantine there and made it their own, they also inherited Orthodoxy from the Greeks.
Slavs got conquered by nomads and vikings and fused their cultures into theirs and then adopted Byzantine administration as well as Orthodoxy.
And the Poles are just Slavs who where jelly of Germans

2019-09-10 12:39:16 UTC  


2019-09-10 12:39:35 UTC  

Imagine keeping the Slavs alive

2019-09-10 12:39:52 UTC  

@SideTracker This is largely accurate up until the mid to late Middle Ages, yes

2019-09-10 12:40:24 UTC  

Not much time for invention when you're getting constantly invaded.

2019-09-10 12:40:32 UTC  

Site me a South Slav that moved away from being a cheap byzantine knock off

2019-09-10 12:40:50 UTC  

Byzantium is long ded

2019-09-10 12:40:57 UTC  

so this is just a weird position to hold

2019-09-10 12:40:58 UTC  

English culture rn

2019-09-10 12:41:00 UTC  

Not the Bulgarians, not the Romanians, CERTAINLY not the Serbians

2019-09-10 12:41:38 UTC  

hell South Slavs are so obsessed with Greek and Byzantine Culture that the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is a thing

2019-09-10 12:41:50 UTC  

This is the same logic that says the White House is gay because it LARPs as Roman architecture

2019-09-10 12:42:01 UTC  


2019-09-10 12:42:03 UTC  


2019-09-10 12:42:05 UTC  


2019-09-10 12:42:14 UTC  
2019-09-10 12:42:15 UTC  

inspiration is one thing, but not building upon your own culture is another

2019-09-10 12:42:16 UTC  

White house was build by niggers. 😏

2019-09-10 12:42:17 UTC  

you tried to btfo me, you failed

2019-09-10 12:42:20 UTC  

get over it

2019-09-10 12:42:24 UTC  


2019-09-10 12:42:26 UTC  

it's essential copy paste and not work done