Message from @Joshu

Discord ID: 634519368130363402

2019-10-17 22:29:56 UTC  

boris has a deal

2019-10-17 22:30:08 UTC  

MPs are getting nervous

2019-10-17 22:30:10 UTC  

remainers are trying to prevent MPs voting on the deal

2019-10-17 22:30:13 UTC  

Some Labour MPs already breaking ranks

2019-10-17 22:30:21 UTC  

In the courts

2019-10-17 22:30:37 UTC  

and labour is doing what eccles is saying

2019-10-17 22:31:07 UTC  

leaking like a cheap rowboat made of plyboard

2019-10-17 22:31:27 UTC  

WOuldn't go that far

2019-10-17 22:31:34 UTC  

Sounds promising then.

2019-10-17 22:31:40 UTC  

Only the first day

2019-10-17 22:31:41 UTC  

They need a lot of rebels

2019-10-17 22:31:46 UTC  

Id say they are leaking bad

2019-10-17 22:32:01 UTC  

The'll need about 30 rebels

2019-10-17 22:32:17 UTC  

that includes tory rebels right

2019-10-17 22:32:42 UTC  

if they get half the tory rebels back

2019-10-17 22:32:46 UTC  

they need about 20ish

2019-10-17 22:32:48 UTC  

Not including the Tory rebels

2019-10-17 22:32:50 UTC  

because they dont have the DUP

2019-10-17 22:33:17 UTC  

the numbers are really close

2019-10-17 22:33:17 UTC  

They need all of the TOries + 42

2019-10-17 22:33:26 UTC  

from what is being reported

2019-10-17 22:33:31 UTC  

like within a few votes

2019-10-17 22:33:36 UTC  

so if labour leak anymore tomorrow

2019-10-17 22:33:38 UTC  

its going through

2019-10-17 22:33:42 UTC  

Maybe they get 15 of the 21 Tory rebels, still 27 to find

2019-10-17 22:33:51 UTC  

It's a tall ask

2019-10-17 22:34:01 UTC  

and if it doesnt

2019-10-17 22:34:08 UTC  

Well there is no extension on the other side

2019-10-17 22:34:12 UTC  


2019-10-17 22:34:12 UTC  

let's hope not

2019-10-17 22:34:21 UTC  

YOu might see parliament do something desperate

2019-10-17 22:34:31 UTC  

I mean at that point there is only revoke

2019-10-17 22:34:34 UTC  

you have to wonder what kind of side deals are going on behind the scenes. Bojo seems pretty confident, but that's par for the course

2019-10-17 22:34:36 UTC  

Which isnt even nuke

2019-10-17 22:34:37 UTC  

brexit has remainers in a choke hold and is just saying "shhhhhhh, shhhhhh, it will all be over soon, shhhh"

2019-10-17 22:34:43 UTC  

Indeed, and revoke is the option they have left

2019-10-17 22:34:48 UTC  

it's the Armageddon asteroid

2019-10-17 22:35:18 UTC  

@wacka lol

2019-10-17 22:37:38 UTC  


2019-10-17 22:38:03 UTC  

that was quite a swing, small number of motivated voters