Message from @Storin
Discord ID: 634700271422930967
no shit
But I would vote PPC
better than voting PRC
@Cryosite huh?
PPC kills brain cells
say no to crack
"when i l o v e i love
everybody because in
reality as strange as it
seems we are all god we
are a way for god to grow
and know because we are
wot u on bout
"are you happy all of your
evil incantations worked
i have hated myself i
have been self
destructive i have only
ever been in toxic
relationships with people
that in reality hated me" Great first shitskin invasion, now a boomer invasion.
on a boot* (she's canadian, remember?)
"for it is the appointed
time for the judgment to
start with the house of
god now if it starts
first with us what will
the outcome be for those
who are not obedient to
the good news of god"
oh.. u thought i was serious lol
why are you quoting cheesy porn, shadow?
Trudeau is stunning and brave
truddy is cancer
just came across it on the inter webz
Truddy is transnigger.
if u ever feel stupid think of ukraine which elected guy who played president in a tv show as a president 👌
truddy NEEDS stunned
Joustin Truedough is a clown, but in a bad sense
Trudy loves mudslime cock
That guy is chad for seeing the window and seizing it
He puts on a show to distract from a fire
Ukraine president
what kind of man goes ANWHERE more concerned about his socks than world affairs?
So, if you guys go check my YTchannel you gonna find a lot of hate from no fap movement followers
I was wonder what's with the downvotes lol
I hadn't planned on looking at your YT channel.
Nofaps are retarded anyway, what do you expect
I thought it was people from this server already getting into you
no fap is a movement? i'd think addressing the core of the problem would be more effective
wait u fap? <:angrypepe:497157904743268363>
burn her burn the witch
It is ma check their sub reddit imao
I have talked against some myths they are trying to spread in FB pages in Brazil and a lot of people have been abducted by the craziness already so
How does your YT compete against arch, rags, and rose <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>