Message from @Jym

Discord ID: 619317353347547149

2019-09-05 19:08:08 UTC  

She also seemed to understand the radical left, their tactics and how they operate, as well as talking points we've discussed for years

2019-09-05 19:08:40 UTC  


2019-09-05 19:48:57 UTC  

an interview or is she your mp?

2019-09-05 19:59:17 UTC  

She came to my town for a drinks reception, included a 10 minute speech and 20 mins of casual questions

2019-09-05 23:32:28 UTC  

(((David Burman)))

2019-09-05 23:33:12 UTC  

Read the top comments. The ones endorsing the decision to fire the guy are deep in the red in terms of dislikes, lol
I'm guessing the comment section is being curated to hide most of the comments in favor of the guy, but they forgot to disable the like/dislike ratio display.

2019-09-05 23:33:50 UTC  

I like that the chief refused his resignation, but the response still managed to be really cucky, and ceded too much ground to these liars and traitors in office.

2019-09-05 23:35:21 UTC  

Just because your echoes are still funny to me.....

2019-09-05 23:38:03 UTC  

So is cancel culture like the book burning by the nazis?

2019-09-05 23:40:25 UTC  

I like how Jym states that these names have european origin, as if a european originating name can never have a large number of Jews using it.

2019-09-05 23:41:19 UTC  

And likes to disregard when I'm putting the echoes on a specific individual who happens to actually be jewish.

2019-09-05 23:42:02 UTC  

I enjoy how often you get it wrong.

2019-09-05 23:42:46 UTC  


2019-09-05 23:43:15 UTC  

The Rosenblum I mentioned the other day was literally Jewish in the wiki bio.

2019-09-05 23:43:29 UTC  

It's like s shitty B-8 program you run which says "can I name the jew" and then doesn't care about accuracy yet hopes to scattershot maybe get one in twelve right and claim victory.

2019-09-05 23:43:52 UTC  

Do you have the data to back this up?

2019-09-05 23:44:46 UTC  

Nah not worth that level of involvement. Just an observation. Like you crowing days later that you accidentally got one 'right' once.

2019-09-05 23:45:08 UTC  

Via the echoes, I'm not making the claim that *all* people who have this name are Jews, I'm either asserting the claim, or the suspicion, that *this specific person* is Jewish.

2019-09-05 23:45:45 UTC  

Except the Rosenblum "crowing" wasn't "days later" it was literally that same day, soon after you expressed doubt.

2019-09-05 23:46:03 UTC  

Yes I rather imagine that you find opportunities to place jews into whatever conspiracies your demented mind cooks up. Here we agree.

2019-09-05 23:46:28 UTC  

They place themselves there. I just *notice* them. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

2019-09-05 23:48:08 UTC  

Mostly you imagine them. It's like firing birdshot into a barn. Occasionally you hit a chicken. Because inevitably you will. It takes a special brand of retard to then claim that your shots are accurate.

2019-09-05 23:48:19 UTC  

Evidence or GTFO

2019-09-05 23:48:50 UTC  

Oh lord the evidence is clear in our previous conversations.

2019-09-05 23:48:58 UTC  

No it isn't.

2019-09-05 23:49:07 UTC  

You're literally just making up claims.

2019-09-05 23:49:19 UTC  

Evidence. Or G-T-F-O

2019-09-05 23:50:26 UTC  

Hell where did we leave off last time? I think you were asserting that alleged adaptations in imagined behavioral characteristics could, in fact did, occur over a shorter timeframe than known adaptations with very clear benefits....

2019-09-05 23:50:42 UTC  

The thing is, I don't even care one way or another. A goy traitor to the American people is as bad as a Jewish one.

2019-09-05 23:53:10 UTC  

We literally have examples of trait distribution changing over the last *century* due to changes in *population* ratios. Extrapolate internal population subdivisions and non-uniform rates of trait distribution, and what do you know? You don't even *need* entirely *new* adaptations for noticeable shifts in population norms. Even if we're assuming *ancient* traits and characteristics, this still can happen.

2019-09-05 23:53:27 UTC  

Well this is progres. You now acknowledge that by 'jew' you mean 'people I disagree with' sort of like when leftists say 'Nazi'

2019-09-05 23:55:06 UTC  

I'm saying they're jewish, because I suspect they're jewish. If they aren't jewish, I still disagree with them, and believe they're undermining the people of the nation.

2019-09-05 23:55:26 UTC  

Plenty of Jews *don't* do this.

2019-09-05 23:57:29 UTC  

Yet you obsessively label them jews. Almost as though the nation were not nearly as important to you as fearing jews. Sorta like Ilhan Omar really.

2019-09-05 23:58:16 UTC  

Why it is almost as though horeshoes were real and not mythical objects......

2019-09-06 00:00:37 UTC  

someone has to label the jews as jews to keep them from shape shifting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

2019-09-06 00:01:09 UTC  

Why cannot shitstains be just shitstains? Why is it important if they might be Jew?

2019-09-06 00:01:18 UTC  

We have no lack of shitstains of all races.

2019-09-06 00:01:22 UTC  

because it's a critical vector of organization