Message from @Miniature Menace

Discord ID: 619319145854664705

2019-09-05 23:41:19 UTC  

And likes to disregard when I'm putting the echoes on a specific individual who happens to actually be jewish.

2019-09-05 23:42:02 UTC  

I enjoy how often you get it wrong.

2019-09-05 23:42:46 UTC  


2019-09-05 23:43:15 UTC  

The Rosenblum I mentioned the other day was literally Jewish in the wiki bio.

2019-09-05 23:43:29 UTC  

It's like s shitty B-8 program you run which says "can I name the jew" and then doesn't care about accuracy yet hopes to scattershot maybe get one in twelve right and claim victory.

2019-09-05 23:43:52 UTC  

Do you have the data to back this up?

2019-09-05 23:44:46 UTC  

Nah not worth that level of involvement. Just an observation. Like you crowing days later that you accidentally got one 'right' once.

2019-09-05 23:45:08 UTC  

Via the echoes, I'm not making the claim that *all* people who have this name are Jews, I'm either asserting the claim, or the suspicion, that *this specific person* is Jewish.

2019-09-05 23:45:45 UTC  

Except the Rosenblum "crowing" wasn't "days later" it was literally that same day, soon after you expressed doubt.

2019-09-05 23:46:03 UTC  

Yes I rather imagine that you find opportunities to place jews into whatever conspiracies your demented mind cooks up. Here we agree.

2019-09-05 23:46:28 UTC  

They place themselves there. I just *notice* them. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

2019-09-05 23:48:08 UTC  

Mostly you imagine them. It's like firing birdshot into a barn. Occasionally you hit a chicken. Because inevitably you will. It takes a special brand of retard to then claim that your shots are accurate.

2019-09-05 23:48:19 UTC  

Evidence or GTFO

2019-09-05 23:48:50 UTC  

Oh lord the evidence is clear in our previous conversations.

2019-09-05 23:48:58 UTC  

No it isn't.

2019-09-05 23:49:07 UTC  

You're literally just making up claims.

2019-09-05 23:49:19 UTC  

Evidence. Or G-T-F-O

2019-09-05 23:50:26 UTC  

Hell where did we leave off last time? I think you were asserting that alleged adaptations in imagined behavioral characteristics could, in fact did, occur over a shorter timeframe than known adaptations with very clear benefits....

2019-09-05 23:50:42 UTC  

The thing is, I don't even care one way or another. A goy traitor to the American people is as bad as a Jewish one.

2019-09-05 23:53:10 UTC  

We literally have examples of trait distribution changing over the last *century* due to changes in *population* ratios. Extrapolate internal population subdivisions and non-uniform rates of trait distribution, and what do you know? You don't even *need* entirely *new* adaptations for noticeable shifts in population norms. Even if we're assuming *ancient* traits and characteristics, this still can happen.

2019-09-05 23:53:27 UTC  

Well this is progres. You now acknowledge that by 'jew' you mean 'people I disagree with' sort of like when leftists say 'Nazi'

2019-09-05 23:55:06 UTC  

I'm saying they're jewish, because I suspect they're jewish. If they aren't jewish, I still disagree with them, and believe they're undermining the people of the nation.

2019-09-05 23:55:26 UTC  

Plenty of Jews *don't* do this.

2019-09-05 23:57:29 UTC  

Yet you obsessively label them jews. Almost as though the nation were not nearly as important to you as fearing jews. Sorta like Ilhan Omar really.

2019-09-05 23:58:16 UTC  

Why it is almost as though horeshoes were real and not mythical objects......

2019-09-06 00:00:37 UTC  

someone has to label the jews as jews to keep them from shape shifting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

2019-09-06 00:01:09 UTC  

Why cannot shitstains be just shitstains? Why is it important if they might be Jew?

2019-09-06 00:01:18 UTC  

We have no lack of shitstains of all races.

2019-09-06 00:01:22 UTC  

because it's a critical vector of organization

2019-09-06 00:01:49 UTC  

and because it's frankly mind boggling how few people notice it

2019-09-06 00:02:03 UTC  

Then point out the links to other people rather than just the assumption that Jews are a monolith.

2019-09-06 00:02:50 UTC  

it's like when you see celebrity thot who is getting over the hill suddenly become really interested in feminism

2019-09-06 00:03:04 UTC  

Jews are disproportionally commie but they are also disproportionally libertarian.

2019-09-06 00:03:19 UTC  

So I don't understand the idea of Jewish monolith.

2019-09-06 00:03:23 UTC  

and you point out, "wow, she's getting over the hill, i wonder what made her decide to suddenly start condemning men for being attracted to younger, traditionally pretty women?"

2019-09-06 00:03:36 UTC  

As intended. @whiic

2019-09-06 00:03:53 UTC  

I never claimed it was a monolith

2019-09-06 00:04:09 UTC  

Then there's no worth in pointing out the Jew.

2019-09-06 00:04:15 UTC  

If it has no meaning.