Message from @2K

Discord ID: 618554769908432938

2019-09-03 21:13:26 UTC  

wow bojo is shit at talking

2019-09-03 21:13:27 UTC  


2019-09-03 21:13:36 UTC  

give me this fucking election

2019-09-03 21:13:38 UTC  

I looooove them

2019-09-03 21:13:40 UTC  

oooooh only if tomorrows bill gets through will he GE... bah

2019-09-03 21:13:58 UTC  

JC: no consent

2019-09-03 21:14:02 UTC  

Boris is raping parliament?

2019-09-03 21:14:04 UTC  


2019-09-03 21:14:20 UTC  

As a foreigner, the reason we see the uk as a joke is because you ask permission for everything. “Please Eu let us fish our own waters and trade with our ex colonies.” Every single political decision seems to be made with a fear of stepping out from under Europe.

2019-09-03 21:14:31 UTC  

@wacka he said they're going to motion the FTPA

2019-09-03 21:14:35 UTC  

they're going for an election

2019-09-03 21:14:36 UTC  

Also, the rape gangs

2019-09-03 21:14:49 UTC  

that's kinda why I see the UK as a joke

2019-09-03 21:14:52 UTC  

And being in the country all I was surrounded with were signs threatening me with prosecution for mundane shit and random warning beeps for the most obvious of hazards.

2019-09-03 21:15:02 UTC  

It’s like a safe space turned into a country.

2019-09-03 21:15:08 UTC  

this will be the biggest gamble of any Prime Minister

2019-09-03 21:15:10 UTC  


2019-09-03 21:15:23 UTC  

>literally holding a woman for 7 hours because she didn't use the right pronouns

2019-09-03 21:15:28 UTC  

Boris will either secure the biggest tory majority since Thatcher or go down as the shortest serving PM

2019-09-03 21:15:32 UTC  

there is no inbetween now

2019-09-03 21:15:49 UTC  


2019-09-03 21:15:51 UTC  

@2K Ian Blackford

2019-09-03 21:15:53 UTC  

I'll give him that

2019-09-03 21:15:55 UTC  

Imagine thinking the UK is in the same situation as Russia

2019-09-03 21:15:57 UTC  

that was fucking funny lmao

2019-09-03 21:16:07 UTC  

blackford is the best

2019-09-03 21:16:17 UTC  

I can appreciate Scottish memery from time to time

2019-09-03 21:16:41 UTC  

BoJo kinda looks like hes gonna cry 😛

2019-09-03 21:16:41 UTC  

The SNP are just memes.

2019-09-03 21:16:42 UTC  

Can you believe

2019-09-03 21:16:47 UTC  

his accent is excellent ngl

2019-09-03 21:16:54 UTC  

i wish i had a scottish accent

2019-09-03 21:17:03 UTC  

That the Brexit Party are actually gonna get into Parliament

2019-09-03 21:17:21 UTC  

@PureEvilPie Technically Russia is a superpower

2019-09-03 21:17:32 UTC  

@PureEvilPie No shit the UK isn't in the same situation as Russia....because Russia doesn't have gangs of Muzzie rapists just raping toddlers and taking advantage of kids

2019-09-03 21:17:39 UTC  

imagine actually thinking russia is a police state

2019-09-03 21:18:04 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck russia is poor af and a dictatorship lmao

2019-09-03 21:18:06 UTC  

Nah, Russia just has gangs of vladislavs being arrested for thoughtcrime

2019-09-03 21:18:08 UTC  

Apparently in Russia there is less arresting of wrong-think than in the UK, so I think they might have the advantage there.

2019-09-03 21:18:13 UTC  


2019-09-03 21:18:15 UTC  

being actual communists is the only think russia will crack down on