Message from @wacka
Discord ID: 619556952917409792
that was a method of execution in inquisition times
Rat in pussy?
Or rat cage and frying them a bit
And also Mengele tried it again in WW2 for whatever reason
Inquisition was fun
@svarozhyc rat in the anus, rat in the pussy, rat in the mouth
Crative cruelty
Judas cradle was cool too
that's harsh
once a rat feels like it is suffocating it will claw its way out without any fire
I’m a pro at pubg
C'mon don't drag me down
You must have some powerful cheats if you manage to outshoot the chinese script kiddies
Oh, look. Britain is gonna stay, because fuck the people.
this reminds me of that south park episode where god finally came back for once in 2 thousands years and they had one question they could ask... and stan asked "why havent I got my period yet?"
poor rhodesians
<:why:462286147473637407> <:why:462286147473637407> <:why:462286147473637407>
rhodies are legendaries
Especially that one dude who bought Mi24 Hind and came back to shoot some more niggers privately
Dude would hover above his enemies and drop offencive leaflets while africans would be firing AKs at him with no avail
We need to save Europe by going to war with Africa
Colonization 2.0 let's go
Electric genocide-loo
Scramble for Africa 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Im wondering if we're gonna push back into Africa again or let the Chinese have it
They seem to like socialism though so
Well realistically China is tkaing it
But our goal should be to take as much as we can
Apparently Africa just loves starvation.
They can't help themselves