Message from @dichloroarsine

Discord ID: 620281362716295189

2019-09-08 15:34:36 UTC  

@Yeggsy Not Tulsi, the one who got blown the fuck out BY Tulsi, I just can't remember her name
And I agree with Yang, but Bernie? Nah, Bernie is full socialist

2019-09-08 15:34:47 UTC  

@TheBrsrkr Kamala Harris?

2019-09-08 15:34:48 UTC  

"hurr durr u big dumdum heheheheheheheh" - BabaBooey, 2019

2019-09-08 15:34:51 UTC  

all ideologies which are products of the renaissance and its sickness are doomed to fail, from communism to capitalism, the fall of peoples and humanity shall invite me to my rise, as a monarch of god's creation

2019-09-08 15:34:52 UTC  

Bernie isn’t even full socialist lmao

2019-09-08 15:35:02 UTC  

Americans have such a retarded view of politics

2019-09-08 15:35:06 UTC  

well yeah none of them are full socialists

2019-09-08 15:35:14 UTC  

but they're close enough

2019-09-08 15:35:20 UTC  

@PureEvilPie Everybody has such a retarded view of politics

2019-09-08 15:35:27 UTC  

Boomers especially

2019-09-08 15:35:31 UTC  

Don’t you fucking get involved

2019-09-08 15:35:41 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck No not her either, someone much smaller

2019-09-08 15:35:46 UTC  

your average person is about as intelligent as a medieval peasant, and there's a reason peasants were not involved in statecraft.

2019-09-08 15:35:48 UTC  

I mean when your government is trying to self destruct at this point its hard to have a good veiw of politics. But eh. Who am I to judge.

2019-09-08 15:36:02 UTC  

Was it? I'll go look it up

2019-09-08 15:36:06 UTC  

@PureEvilPie I literally have a Pro-Israel boomer grandma, shut yo bitch ass up ❤

2019-09-08 15:36:29 UTC  

@dichloroarsine and that’s why the brexit referendum is a mistake, giving the power of direct foreign policy change to a bunch of dumb dumbs with no GCSEs

2019-09-08 15:36:31 UTC  

Fuck me

2019-09-08 15:36:38 UTC  

No, that's gay

2019-09-08 15:36:40 UTC  

So stupid

2019-09-08 15:36:41 UTC  

@PureEvilPie it's a symptom, not the issue

2019-09-08 15:37:06 UTC

2019-09-08 15:37:17 UTC  

Yeah, how dare the people who live under the policies decide the policies they live under? It should just be done by all the smart people

2019-09-08 15:37:22 UTC  

@ebinmemes22 BabaBooey every 2-3 hours or so

2019-09-08 15:37:25 UTC  

the EU never should have existed to begin with, and Brexit, even though it is tainted with the sickness of democracy, is unfortunately the best option right now for undoing it.

2019-09-08 15:37:26 UTC  

I mean Britian is a democracy...why wouldnt the people vote on forgien policy. Correct me if im wrong but that doesnt make sense

2019-09-08 15:37:31 UTC  

Brsrkr, we vote for GENERAL idea ologies

2019-09-08 15:37:38 UTC  

That link up to your general morals

2019-09-08 15:37:43 UTC

2019-09-08 15:37:49 UTC  

The experts and people’s who’s JOBS are to knownpokixy

2019-09-08 15:37:49 UTC  

A hero of the heroes

2019-09-08 15:37:51 UTC  


2019-09-08 15:37:54 UTC  

Then do the detailed changes

2019-09-08 15:38:06 UTC  

Your average citizen isn’t going to know what’s the best exact policy

2019-09-08 15:38:10 UTC  

wow it's almost like right wingers are nazi sympathizing identity-obsessed losers

2019-09-08 15:38:11 UTC  

It’s not hard to understand

2019-09-08 15:38:12 UTC  

"tainted with the sickness of democracy" ... well that should tell you enough 😛

2019-09-08 15:38:19 UTC  

@Uksio Based and redpilled.

2019-09-08 15:38:27 UTC  

@dichloroarsine okay, schizo

2019-09-08 15:38:36 UTC  

Because the average Brit doesn’t even know what foreign policy IS

2019-09-08 15:38:43 UTC  

y'all are just as ready to put on an SS uniform and start shooting random people as the leftists are to put on a gimp suit and start fucking kids. there is no difference. you're all faggots.