Message from @GalaxyBrainer

Discord ID: 650114239091965955

2019-11-29 17:31:38 UTC  

(And the agendas.)

2019-11-29 17:32:40 UTC  

Problem is not just the noise @Jeremy-Retard

2019-11-29 17:33:47 UTC  

It is far deeper than that.

2019-11-29 17:35:09 UTC  

Problem is that with a science like that all these so called "researchers" do is just **WASTE MAONEY!** Money that could have gone to far better hands than theirs, and the final result of all that waste would be nothing shot of stagnation and eventually-REGRESS!

2019-11-29 17:36:10 UTC  

And when science goes down, and it shall go down FIRST, cause it is supposed to be the leading edge of any society, so when it goes, mark my words, everything else will go by with it!

2019-11-29 17:36:45 UTC  

"The universities used to be about nurturing genius. You'd get these, who is it that is geniuses, who is it that solves these amazing problems, people who have outlier high IQ plus moderately anti-social personality. People like James Watson, those people will tend to do what they do because they are highly intelligent so they can really conceive of these difficult problems. They're moderately low in conscientiousness so that means can sort of think outside the box so they're not bound by rules traditions or conformity. They're moderately low in agreeableness so they either don't care that they offend people or they're kinda autistic or a bit spergy and they couldn't conceive that they would offend people even if they didn't want to. New ideas will always offend so they don't care about that so they come up with brilliant ideas.

2019-11-29 17:37:23 UTC  

And this is how Dark Ages begin!

2019-11-29 17:37:48 UTC  

Now women are the opposite of that (genius). Women are the exact opposite of that, they are the opposite of genius. Well, A because women don't have outlier high IQ; the female IQ is bunched towards the mean. And B they tend to be higher in conscientiousness than men and higher in agreeableness than men, so you just DON'T GET many female geniuses. So when they take over university which is happening they will come across as the MUCH better candidate for the job than this kinda autistic wierdo who might if you leave him alone for ten years might come up with something brilliant.

2019-11-29 17:38:50 UTC  

Who are you going to employ? Him or this girl who is positive, confident, outgoing... OBVIOUSLY you're going to employ her. So it changes the whole nature of academia. So academia doesn't become about the cut and thrust of debate and harsh disputation to get to the truth, it becomes about cooperating and being kind and creating a bureaucracy where you make incremental steps and publish every so often and this is A anathema to genius types and B very difficult for genius, because they are a bit autistic and will offend people so they get pushed out of uni. and this is happening. " because of women in university they have changed the WHOLE CULTURE of university to make it where TRUTH is plays second fiddle to Cooperating and everyone feeling good and happy and getting along. whereas truth is amoral of course and doesn't care..."

2019-11-29 17:42:27 UTC  

And finally the Muslims come to rape all women and put down all research, cause you know-God **FORBIDS** science since it might enquire into His divinity-and they are the utmost victims by all means cause they are coloured, minority and "oppressed" when not given the freedom to rape whomever they want.

2019-11-29 17:43:27 UTC  

And this is how the modern Academia turns into a circus, then into a farce and finally-into a **CLERGY!**

2019-11-29 17:44:34 UTC  

And we all know what happens to science when the clerics take over, right?

2019-11-29 17:50:02 UTC  
2019-11-29 18:32:59 UTC  

What the fuck have I started holy shit

2019-11-29 18:36:30 UTC  

My point is that mythology and belief are as important and as real as the rational and coexist with each other. Jesus Christ was the son of God and he did cure people of blindness, and he performed miracles. I don't see any need to introduce some modern science post rationalization, those stories are important and just because you can't rationalize it doesn't mean it doesntbexist

2019-11-29 20:21:58 UTC  

@Bobby I find Ironman to be inspirational, but I also understand Ironman is fictional. You can have powerful stories without them being historical.

2019-11-29 21:41:02 UTC  

honestly I would have preferred this chat just for links and a few witty quips instead of debate

2019-11-29 21:46:27 UTC  

but what do I know I barely exist.

also Griffith did everything wrong

2019-11-29 22:13:27 UTC  

Iron Man isn't a psychometric history and prehistory of the western civilization although it does contain elements of it in itself. @Marushia Dark you're trying to apply the cult of reason lenses to something thousands of years old that probably even predates written tradition and shows the arrival of conscience.

2019-11-29 22:46:26 UTC

Holy shit. The FBI releases the Gamergate vault!

2019-11-29 23:21:53 UTC  

what's it say

2019-11-29 23:23:06 UTC  

im a

2019-11-29 23:33:11 UTC  


2019-11-29 23:41:37 UTC  

@your-mother-in-law one thing I see in these researches is the complete lesbian dominance in them.
This one had only 3 gay coupes, and the one about IPV showed a significantly lower IPV in gay couples.
Which is entertaining.

2019-11-30 00:17:59 UTC  

@your-mother-in-law careful with that study, it is not making any claims, and should not be used to make hard claims, it has a minute sample size. The authors themselves say that the study is only an exploratory one and only really says that more research should be done in the area as the "no difference" studies very likely have sample selection bias problems.

what is truly more interesting is that the paper has a complaint made against it, despite the incredibly milquetoast conclusion. It was actually called "hateful" for suggesting that maybe same sex couples don't have the same mental health outcomes as regular couples for their children, and that it is definitely worth looking into a bit more closely.

2019-11-30 00:27:22 UTC  

I see mostly lesbians there actually, and I tend to agree

2019-11-30 00:47:20 UTC  

YT banned words, some familiar names. 😉

2019-11-30 00:57:42 UTC  

wtf why is "Chris Cornell" one of the demonetization phrases?

2019-11-30 01:05:47 UTC  

“Epstein didn’t kill himself”

2019-11-30 03:35:30 UTC  


2019-11-30 03:35:32 UTC  


2019-11-30 03:35:45 UTC  

ohai Sargon.

2019-11-30 03:37:06 UTC

2019-11-30 03:37:09 UTC  

someone reported Anita to the FBI lol

2019-11-30 03:37:46 UTC  

Good. Gooooood...

2019-11-30 03:38:51 UTC

2019-11-30 03:38:54 UTC  

anyone know what this could be about?

2019-11-30 03:42:01 UTC

2019-11-30 03:42:01 UTC  


2019-11-30 03:45:47 UTC