Message from @kernalkrackerz

Discord ID: 535956499487522837

2019-01-17 16:38:54 UTC  

I'll be sure to tell my old diabetic mom it's all fake news and she can eat apples again since they don't really cause a blood sugar spike

2019-01-18 00:14:47 UTC  

She has type 2 diabetes right? That's caused by insulin resistance, which is worse amongst people who eat meat. You can literally reverse pre-diabetes and a lot of diabetes symptoms by switching to a wholefood plantbased diet

2019-01-18 00:23:47 UTC  

With the normal omnivorous diet being 1.0, the right-most column is the odds of getting diabetes as a vegan, while the 2nd from the right is vegetarian. If diabetes was caused by carbs, why is there a dramatic decrease in diabetes risk as you consume less and less animal products? (and presumably more plants, mostly carbohydrates like vegetables, fruit, grains, legumes etc)

2019-01-18 00:24:34 UTC  

This isn't even WFPB vegans, this is just normal ones, the chance is way lower if you actually went WFPB SOS free (wholefood plant based salt oil sugar free)

2019-01-18 00:25:18 UTC  

It's also the only diet in the world to *ever* reverse heart disease

2019-01-18 00:25:35 UTC  

As in, *cure* it, *after* they had it

2019-01-18 00:25:54 UTC  

Which is the #1 cause of death in the US IIRC

2019-01-18 03:33:40 UTC  

wtf. apples are always good for you lol

2019-01-18 03:33:47 UTC  

geez these people are trying to kill people

2019-01-18 03:34:53 UTC  

eating almost any fruit is not going to be bad for you based on it's natural sugars. it's not refined sugar, it's completely different. And only thing I know of that bad is having grapefruit if you're on an antidepressant or having an orange after you've just taken pills. But those make sense

2019-01-18 22:48:44 UTC  

You don't need carbs at all

2019-01-18 22:48:57 UTC  

You need meat and veggies

2019-01-18 22:49:54 UTC  

You could live a perfectly healthy life if you only ate fish and veggies

2019-01-18 22:50:10 UTC  

The same cannot be said by only eating rice and beans

2019-01-18 22:52:07 UTC  

Fruits are a great source of vitamins like vitamin c, and some antioxidant, but you cannot survive off of eating just fruits

2019-01-18 22:54:46 UTC  

But stuff like bread, pretzels, chips, and muffins have no nutritional value whatsoever, and you could not live a healthy life eating just these, or even a majority of these.

2019-01-18 22:56:11 UTC  

The body relies heavily on fats and protein, expecially our brain. Without animal products such as meat, and eggs, are essential to a healthy body

2019-01-18 22:57:39 UTC  

Of course our relationship with food these days is poor, as fast food is horrible horrible, and people tend to overeat, and eat high amounts of fried foods.

2019-01-18 22:58:28 UTC  

So of course people like vegans, tend to shy away from fast food, so they are "healthier" than the average American

2019-01-18 22:59:47 UTC  

But the peak of health and nutrition would be a farmer, who does physical work all day, and eats the veggies, fruits, and meats thay he grew and harvested himself

2019-01-18 23:14:50 UTC  

That makes sense

2019-01-19 02:06:32 UTC  

You're wrong on multiple things and right on others.
First of all, 'veggies' are mostly carbohydrates, not protein or fat - with the exception of things like avocados.
Secondly, rice and beans is an extremely healthy diet and is a large part of the diet that reversed heart disease, which no diet including animal products has ever done. I never said we should survive off 'just eating fruits', in fact your body finds it harder to digest fructose than glucose because it has to break it down into glucose first in the liver, so you should ideally eat less than 50g of fructose per day since any more can irrirate your bowels. Starches and vegetables have hardly any fructose, so they aren't a problem. I already said that I promote 'whole' foods not processed junk like bread, pretzels, chips and muffins. I'm not promoting them so we agree there.

2019-01-19 02:09:21 UTC  

> The body relies heavily on fats and protein, especially our brain.
*"Brain. Glucose is virtually the sole fuel for the human brain, except during prolonged starvation. The brain lacks fuel stores and hence requires a continuous supply of glucose. It consumes about 120 g daily, which corresponds to an energy input of about 420 kcal (1760 kJ), accounting for some 60% of the utilization of glucose by the whole body in the resting state. "*
You were just completely off the mark here. Source: <> and many others, this is actually common knowledge.

2019-01-19 02:11:27 UTC  

If animal products are 'essential to a healthy body', why is it that when people reduce animal consumption and increase plant consumption (especially whole foods like vegetables, some fruits, nuts, seeds, wholegrains and legumes) their health improves and their chronic diseases caused by animal products like CVD, COPD, diabetes and alzheimers all stop progressing, reverse or are cured?

2019-01-19 02:12:41 UTC  

Why is it that the longest living population on earth is the californian adventist vegans, and before that, it was the traditional Okinawan's from Japan who ate over 97% vegan? Here is a breakdown of their diet.

2019-01-19 02:16:22 UTC  

> the peak of health is farmers
Is that why they suffer from heart attacks or strokes? Did you know that heart attacks and strokes actually *aren't* inevitable processes of aging, and that our entire culture believes this lie because it's caused by our diet foremost and lifestyle second? Having heart disease, diabetes or strokes is a choice. A choice that's made if you eat food that isn't wholefood plantbased. This means that animal products and processed carbs are both on the naughty list in terms of what causes the chronic diseases that cause the vast majority of deaths in the US.

2019-01-19 02:21:00 UTC  

I would recommend you at least do nutrition 101 so that you don't fall for shit that random ketogenic/atkin bloggers or bookwriters say.

2019-01-19 02:21:38 UTC  

Where would you get Nutrition 101 for free?

2019-01-19 02:21:43 UTC  


2019-01-19 02:22:06 UTC  

You could start with the videos I linked further up and watch more videos on their channels or related videos

2019-01-19 02:22:25 UTC  

I did it at Uni and it's nothing you can't learn with a youtube video tbh, it's a very easy topic

2019-01-19 02:23:07 UTC  

It's more of a social science, from what I've seen.

2019-01-19 02:23:14 UTC  

I'd say about 3-8% of mainstream nutrition taught is incorrect, so don't believe *everything* as if it's a fact, but the basics are mostly solid.

2019-01-19 02:24:21 UTC  

It's inbetween, it utilizes a decent amount of biochemistry, anatomy and physiology so it's not quite a social science.

2019-01-19 02:25:51 UTC  

And good nutritional studies are on par with medical studies due to the study design and the fact that they actually measure real values relating to the body, not just asking the patient questions about how they *feel* like social sciences do.

2019-01-19 02:27:56 UTC  


2019-01-20 18:42:59 UTC  

I just stick to eating once a day,drink only water and milk. And carb up on sunday, the rest of the week I eat eggs, fish, beef, and chicken, sometimes pork. I rarely cook with vegetable oils.

2019-01-20 18:49:55 UTC  

My diet today

2019-01-21 03:38:32 UTC  

Nice, intermittent fasting is pretty good for you

2019-01-21 17:59:45 UTC  
