Message from @tea_in_space
Discord ID: 647178846625464330
dana the paradox
likes kinkshit
peruses porn
says he hates porn
degenerate, you dont want to be a league streamer
I will become an e girl
That is my goal
So I best start acting like one
fucking degenerate
Donate to my patreon!
Who's got the clip
Remember, no e-girls
In the future I can imagine discord transcripts being read in the Hague
I'm sorry Brittany Venti but your an E-girl and remember **NO E-GIRLS!** **NEVER!** No E-Girls!
i'm just waiting for the day when i mis click on a very similar looking at a glance nsfw webm that's very close to that one
@Veronica Moser Who is that Tomoko cosplayer? I recall seeing her before but can't recall nor recognize where.
*doom music starts playing *
I'll walk outside and say "Heil Hitler" to the nearest uniformed officer of the SS
@Skellybrote Time to figure out if the SJW finally being true to themslves
Like tbh i would like to see the average germans day in the pre war nazi period
like say 1934
My nigga you truck gold
@Skellybrote My reaction:
*"Finally. A government that values family."*
@Goddess Tyche sounds about right
fucking cringe holy shit that looks bad
this'd be cool if it was like... a high school student's project for their class that they had 5 weeks to work on