Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 649105153223426070

2019-11-27 04:27:58 UTC  

Wouldn't be surprised.

2019-11-27 04:28:02 UTC  

yk im right tho

2019-11-27 04:28:03 UTC  


2019-11-27 04:28:04 UTC  

Though I think it's probably Sheldon

2019-11-27 04:28:11 UTC  

my bet is hunter cuz he found my twitch

2019-11-27 04:28:12 UTC  

Hunter doesn't seem the type to do that

2019-11-27 04:28:18 UTC  

hm yea

2019-11-27 04:28:19 UTC  


2019-11-27 04:28:26 UTC  

I mean, I found your Twitter by searching your Discord name <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-11-27 04:28:45 UTC  

yea and thats how i know someone here i pissed off today did it

2019-11-27 04:28:49 UTC  


2019-11-27 04:29:18 UTC  

and a thread on Steam

2019-11-27 04:29:19 UTC  

killary hlinton

2019-11-27 04:29:24 UTC  

nice try but you wont epstein me globalists

2019-11-27 04:29:58 UTC  

why does the word assassination needs "ass" in it?

2019-11-27 04:30:02 UTC  

and a bunch of Computer-building sites

2019-11-27 04:30:02 UTC  


2019-11-27 04:30:48 UTC  

You need one bullet for each ass cheek.

2019-11-27 04:31:43 UTC  

its got ass in it twice cuz thats HAWT stuff

2019-11-27 04:31:55 UTC  

like a melted.. uh melted swiss cheese burger

2019-11-27 04:32:08 UTC  

with roasted caramelized onions

2019-11-27 04:32:13 UTC  

you can get that at a number of places

2019-11-27 04:32:38 UTC  

assassin, assassout
never a miscommunication

2019-11-27 04:32:47 UTC  

Assassination is a word that is derived from a drug lol

2019-11-27 04:33:05 UTC  

The first assassins smoked super weed

2019-11-27 04:33:08 UTC  

@spooky ducc Actually, it's a word derived from an old monastic order

2019-11-27 04:33:16 UTC  

or some Muslim dude

2019-11-27 04:33:19 UTC  

they weren't monks

2019-11-27 04:33:20 UTC  

Hashashin, I think?

2019-11-27 04:33:24 UTC  

And they got their name from the drug

2019-11-27 04:33:35 UTC  

So by extension the act is named for the drug they smonked

2019-11-27 04:33:53 UTC  

Which by CK2 Logic could cure cancer <:thunk:462282216467333140>

2019-11-27 04:33:57 UTC  

wooo oh yea

2019-11-27 04:34:01 UTC  

roasted swiss oh yea

2019-11-27 04:34:17 UTC  

>The term "assassin" likely has roots in "hashshāshīn" (hashish smokers or users), a mispronunciation of the original Asāsiyyūn

2019-11-27 04:34:25 UTC  


2019-11-27 04:34:34 UTC  

Just like how Genghis was mispronounced

2019-11-27 04:34:43 UTC  

the ones who smomk the hash

2019-11-27 04:34:43 UTC  

and that's why we call him Genghis, instead of Chinggis

2019-11-27 04:34:45 UTC  

yes hashashin indeed