Message from @JoeyJoestar1337

Discord ID: 646174238545412116

2019-11-19 02:21:52 UTC  

Oh I am in favor of brain drain. We should steal the brightest and most capable people from the planet and make them Americans.

2019-11-19 02:21:52 UTC  

My experience has been the exact opposite

2019-11-19 02:22:01 UTC  

When they say mass shootings they dont mean bangers murdering children in drive bys

2019-11-19 02:22:41 UTC  

Speaking a common language is the ONLY way we win. Like that episode of Star Trek with something-something-when-the-walls-fell or whatever

2019-11-19 02:22:42 UTC  

@Tiberius but when they parrot statistics of mass shootings, they include those in the numbers

2019-11-19 02:22:43 UTC  

They mean when the pasty beta white kid that everyone treats like shit finally snaps

2019-11-19 02:23:01 UTC  

The third world is where WW3 is going to be fought.

2019-11-19 02:23:06 UTC  

Some mass shooting stats dont even include those

2019-11-19 02:23:12 UTC  

We cheat. It is why we win. We take the best freom the rest of the world and make them us.

2019-11-19 02:23:23 UTC  

It's where the influence between China and the US is going to manifest into violence

2019-11-19 02:23:31 UTC  

We're losing the culture war cuz we don't know how to weaponize pathos the way they can. We're fighting Queensbury Rules while they're popping grenades on medics.

2019-11-19 02:23:49 UTC  

just as when a gun grabber quotes shooting statistics, they also count suicides

2019-11-19 02:23:51 UTC  

To quote Bill Whittle

2019-11-19 02:24:15 UTC  

If you wanted to win the culture war your 20 years too late.

2019-11-19 02:24:39 UTC  

Not hardly

2019-11-19 02:24:40 UTC  

My problem with the left is that they do not include the part where we *make them us*, They want to take them in then make *us them*.

2019-11-19 02:24:42 UTC  

this is a 100-years war

2019-11-19 02:25:19 UTC  

Yeah and your nearly 70 years late.

2019-11-19 02:25:38 UTC  

There are no shortage of problems with the left. Not sure if you noticed, I'm center right; but I used to be one of them and listen when they talk and understand better than most how to weaponize pathos in a Rules for Radicals sort of way

2019-11-19 02:25:39 UTC  

What do you mean weaponize pathos?

2019-11-19 02:25:43 UTC  

What does that mean?

2019-11-19 02:25:50 UTC  

When the logos is corrupt?

2019-11-19 02:26:16 UTC  

My Gr. Granpaw left Germany to become American. His son fought the German in WWII. He *became* American. That should be the goal of any migration policy.

2019-11-19 02:26:29 UTC  


2019-11-19 02:27:29 UTC  

I can't post images here, that would help simplify, but basically weaponizing feelz, turning their own arguments against them. Facts don't care about your feelings, but facts also don't matter to persuasion, and it's ultimately our goal to persuade people to our way of thinking, yes? Cuz the only alternative is violence. So facts matter to outcomes but not to persuasion. People can't hear the sound of 2+2=4 over their perception of you as a Nazi.

2019-11-19 02:28:18 UTC  

Facts actually do matter to persuasion and its important to always bring them up

2019-11-19 02:28:25 UTC  

Oh I've been called a nazi enough times that I just ignore it.

2019-11-19 02:28:53 UTC  

Facts only persuade when you and the person you're talking to are on the same emotional level. As you might have noticed, that's not the case between left and right atm. They're frightened and hysterical

2019-11-19 02:29:31 UTC  

"Oh, you called me a nazi. Call me a cuck next? Put 'muh' in front of an idea and pretend you made a point?"

2019-11-19 02:29:32 UTC  

Boomer, that's good for you. So have I, but ignoring it doesn't help you reach them rhetorically

2019-11-19 02:30:14 UTC  

I explain in more detail here:

2019-11-19 02:31:47 UTC  

Same is true for other things. As a libertarian, how many times have I heard that I apparently hate poor sick roads and their children? Unless I can persuade the person I'm just as compassionate, kind, and fair as them - that ultimately the root of our difference is one of solutions, rather than what the problem is ... unless I can do that, my facts won't land.

2019-11-19 02:31:49 UTC  

You're becoming just as frightened and hysterical trying to avoid being called "racist" for saying race matters or "anti-Semitic" if you question Israeli policy or question something Dan Crenshaw and Abbott tried to pass where federal contractors can't BDS israel if they wanted to, completely suppressing the 1st amendment to those people.

2019-11-19 02:32:17 UTC  

I get called racist daily by never-Trumpers. The term means nothing to me

2019-11-19 02:32:45 UTC mean antifa wearing a false flag?

2019-11-19 02:32:45 UTC  

Ben Shapiro is a never trumper u boomer

2019-11-19 02:32:57 UTC  

He still is

2019-11-19 02:33:00 UTC  

Keyword used to be

2019-11-19 02:33:03 UTC  

Just needs the sheckles

2019-11-19 02:33:27 UTC  

ben shapiro and, by extension, his whole network, seem to have softened on trump

2019-11-19 02:33:41 UTC  

Not really