Message from @excursion12 (redha, richtginger)
Discord ID: 641332874104143913
kiwi you made that joke already
Did I? Shit ok give me a sec
Hehe ill just post a shitty meme from 2013 feauturing a shiba that will totally own that dude
You've been posting them for the past 3 minutes
your meme loses a tier for each year it is old
@Gustavus Adolphus
Pre-Boomers: *picture of World Wars*
OK, boomer.
Boomers had nothing hard compared to the World War generations.
Dotty went to taco 🅱ell
Aside from all their hedonism-induced diseases.
Now if you will excuse me I have to rape this Muslim immigrant. I’m doing my part are you?
no im allergic to muslims and women
imagine going to another country filled with harsh jungles to fight commies and all you get when you get home is a bunch of socialist hippies calling you a Nazi
that's rough man
The only solution to muslims is raping them into submission, prove me wrong. China knows this already.
@Tea Pope time to remove your gamer gland
How do you know the rape isn't ethical?
hey hey wait nO
I didn't rape my sister you unattentive spastic
It was consensual
Considering you're an incel you wouldn't know
Redneck v incel
The fight of the millenium
What about it
>rape might not be unethical
>I did not rape my sister
Since it was consensual it wasn't rape
USA had nearly as many casualties on one island in the Pacific Campaign as they had KIA in Vietnam.