Message from @Zephyr Blackfish
Discord ID: 641333685588852746
How do you know the rape isn't ethical?
hey hey wait nO
was raping your sister ethical?
I didn't rape my sister you unattentive spastic
It was consensual
Considering you're an incel you wouldn't know
Redneck v incel
The fight of the millenium
What about it
>rape might not be unethical
>I did not rape my sister
Since it was consensual it wasn't rape
She literally told me to shove a salami stick up her ass
we live in the ashes of society
Psss hey did you know Epstein did not kill himself
US kicked ass in Vietnam, it’s just you can’t win a war if you can’t take any ground
It’s to demoralizing
I mean they were hopelessly outnumbered
and brainwashed commies are basically zombies
So baba?
Baba is a Chinese agent
Welp I have to go waste 9 hours of my life *like a boomer*