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2019-10-30 23:15:35 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  


2019-10-30 23:15:42 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  

how do i get into the main channel

2019-10-31 00:49:51 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  

she reminds me of a girl i raped in high school

2019-10-31 03:47:31 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  

Degeneracy is a myth!

When i was that age I was able to rape a girl without getting trouble lmao

Is this an anti-pedo discord?


That's pretty disappointing.

One of my main political positions is to eliminate the age of consent

The imaginary line drawn where we believe someone is mature enough for sexual relations is very loosely defined

Pedophiles tend to be an oppressed minority in our country

Most anti-pedo arguments are just "muh degeneracy" bullshit

There's no such thing as degeneracy, its just a label for all behavior that is outside of societal norms

why do you think i'm a pedophile?

because i don't conform to the idiotic norms of society

The line drawn at 18 assumes that people somehow magically become adults when they turn 18

There will never be a line that will be without loopholes

Nobody finishes development after their 16th birthday either

Get rid of the line

When the child understands what sex is all about and the consequences of it

then the child is ready for sex

That's an idea

or a verbal test

Well if the child knows the information, then that should be good enough

Its still a better policy than the one we have in place today

Statutory rape is a joke

It isn't rape if its consensual

Poor anti-pedo.

So sad.


Pedos don't get sympathy because society has made monsters out of them

There is a good TED talk on this topic that was downvoted into oblivion, but that's because most people don't want to listen to reason

There's nothing more wild than sex with a child


But at least you are having a good discussion about this topic instead of just chimping out and screaming at the top of your lungs about how much you hate innocent pedos

I mean my brother was dating a 15 year old girl when he was 24

People say "pedos aren't all bad, only the ones that act on it" too


that's wrong

Even acting on it isn't always wrong, depending on the maturity of the child

But don't you think that murder is sometimes justified?

Like during a race war?

We are going to have a race war pretty soon and its not possible to move forward without killing of some kind

People that kill pedos should spend the same amount of time in jail

as people that kill innocent civilians

@GOD EMPEROR Trump I don't want any part of your idiotic ethnocentric rhetoric

You're no better than pedos

I'm not preaching national socialism you idiot

When did i ever advocate for that

I'm saying a race war is coming and its unavoidable, that doesn't mean that I support ethnocentric ideals

They shouldn't be though

That's what people like me are trying to lynch

I can't wait to see the fascist scum like Wotan retreat when they realize they're fighting a lost war

I'll hire a hitman to take care of you.

You probably live in a black neighborhood

Is doxing allowed here?

What if you dox a pedo


I like this server

i think i'll stay here

Yeeted for what

Doxing isn't illegal

Wotan is a handicapped individual

Why should I reconsider a position i've written a short book about?

That's not an argument that i've made you idiot


i didn't break any TOS

I didn't say that you should fuck children because it feels good

oh you mean

Nothin more wild than sex with a child

You're acting like pedophilia is my only political stance

I have many other views other than legalizing pedophilia

the first and third aren't against tos

I wouldn't fuck a kid because i'm not a pedo

Imagine beating someone to death for their sexual orientation




It might as well be, because it isn't a choice

So you think homosexuality is a mental illness too? You're one of those people

But that's an actual diagnosed illness

No it isn't

Its sexual preference

People having such strong opinions against pedophiles is depressing considering how much we have progressed as a people and that other oppressed groups have started to have more rights as well

It's no more a diagnosed illness than homosexuality

muh degeneracy


Thieves and murderers are objectively bad for society

Pedos are not bad for society, they are harmless if you don't criminalize their preferences

9 year olds don't understand sex

Nobody would ever legalize murder as it would cause for the immediate collapse of our world around us

They'd be fucking children around 12 and older

You wouldn't find many 9 year olds that understand sex

12-13 year olds should have gone through at least one Health class by now

they should have gotten some education about sex

The fascist scumbag is asking me whats wrong wit me


I'm from Vox

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