Message from @yordanyordanov
Discord ID: 641342977024852001
the beanie has spoken
would cut down on illegal immigration and we could curb stomp the cartels and put a hurt on the drug trade
Take over* ftfy on drug trade
Had the time for USexico come?
@svarozhyc true
@Stig2002 *sees no E in username* wait... that's illegal
im a chad anyway
yes but you arent a chad with an e in their name
u blind
unless your gheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey stig?
if you have to try to convince people that you're a chad, odds are you're not a chad
Hey, Yankees, are you finally going to annex Mexico?
why would anyone do that
if you win you lose
I haven't watched a war on TV since Iraq.
and entertainment lately has been kind of dumb
At least there will be something nice to watch on the news.
BUNGA and i repeat BUNGA
ok, bomber
<:poggers:583775485620781087> <:pepegun:588019479401726001> <:Thot:601779905474330624>