Message from @S K E L L Y Ivanthenotsoterrible
Discord ID: 641752033321287730
looks dead
kills people
but she could not kill Trump
because, you can't kill hope
tbh while I don't think it's impossible it was a Clinton kill, there were so many of the elites that would want him dead that I'd be completely unsurprised if it wasn't a Clinton hit
To be fair, hope can be killed. Prom of my senior year of high school is proof of that.
so what's you're saying is...
you are hopeless?
No, just my chances of a date that year. <:why:462286147473637407>
lmao meanwhile the girl I asked and I both went into it for fun rather than anything romantic.
*pulls switch on epstein*
Still have the bowtie she made me from the same fabric as her dress somewhere
All of my discords are dead at once
how is this even
what's kuro?
it's japanese for BLACK
I mean her actual name is Chloe iirc, that was more just a joke the subbers chose to make
.... and why am I admitting to knowing this
I wonder how long before people stop sperging out about epstein...
it'll probably go in waves, never truly leaving but never getting anything because there's noooooo way anyone in the know will be allowed to talk
u mean like these people?
Yeah and has anything actually come of any of it?
we can stop sperging about epstein when the people that control the most powerful organisations in the world are exposed for being degenerate kiddy fuckers trying to push the world into a state where they can keep raping children and destroying humanity
'just sperging' tho
and another kid fucked, and another kid fucked, another kid fucked in the butt
eirshy - nope, its still on going
thats all fine i guess
If it results in something then it might actually die down for real
If it's "ongoing" like ABC's investigation into the matter, then it'll just be a constant reminder to the ruling class that they've lost their deathgrip on what the masses believe.
i wonder if the celebrities pushing socialistic things are just trying to have fewer people get to similar statuses and find out they fuck kids
why is the fbi website so fucking ugly
Or you know try and erase ww2