Message from @Szayel's Pooppion
Discord ID: 502443487900467220
yeah, ur moms here bud
Alex Jones said that there are only three races on this planet, African Asian and Caucasian. All the other races are just variations of those.
hes right tho
^ The canadian antifa at 2:46 lol
at least he recycled eh
gotta love bill eh
lol this is so cringe worthy
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@J_G_ that sounds right
Are native peoples considered Asian? Or a variation of Asian?
@J_G_ - Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid are the branch races.
There’s a lot of details to add, including all the various sub-species within the branches.
Not limited to the displaced ones, or ones whose bloodline was eliminated and whose language was the only thing left; Romans, Brythonics, Goidels, etc.
Read the Passing of the Great Race for a more detailed history on at least the Western European races. I’m Norman, Anglian, Pictish, with a little bit of Saxon.. So, in other words, a mixture of pure Teutonic and Nordic elements.
I should read that then
Well I’m probably Saxon too
Genealogy. I can trace my ancestry to south-western Scotland back to the 1700’s. The inhabitants of that area were Picts, who were absorbed by the nomadic Scandinavian Nordics. At least on my mom’s side. My dad’s adopted. But his real genetics are Anglo-Saxon.. Well, maybe. The Saxons held Britain until the Angles invaded in 1066. From then on, most of the ruling class, as well as military leadership in British culture were Anglian. The founding fathers and other native colonist Americans in the 1700’s were almost always largely Anglian.. Or in other words purely Teutonic and Nordic.
That’s all cool stuff
I want to trace mine
I also want to trace it bc I’m still rlly curious about my fathers side
Most descendants of the British isles today whose ancestors were explorers or who can trace their ancestry to colonial Americans are majority Anglian.
All of them look Hispanic or dark featured yet there was nothing but white in my dna
I hope it’s not Jewish
Or gypsy
Idk why they all look like that but I luckily don’t lol
Hahaha. I’m not sure.
I had platinum white blond hair and bright icey blue eyes as a child.
Blue and green eyes are Nordic traits.
Oooh nice
Yeah I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes but my hair got dark fast like by 5 it was brown but it got darker ever since then so it’s pretty close to my dads hair color. Not as dark tho, his looks black. But it’s darker than my moms
I had blue eyes too. But green eyes are so much better 🤤
Then I’m Nordic too lol
I have green eyes that sometimes turn blue and blond / red hair now.
Anglo-Saxon is Germanic.