Message from @Laucivol
Discord ID: 646048390836387851
how does it restrict anything? you can still express anger without sounding like a sailor
Maybe it's because I'm an autistic retard, but I never got the concept of swearing. Why is is more acceptable to say you're having sex with someone rather than saying you're fucking them? Or more acceptable to say that you're using the rest room rather than say "I'm taking a shit"?
@Kinky Kitsune (Coomer) I was hoping that was an Epstein meme, and now I'm disappointed this guy did the study
lol 161 views
Because by the time tedx was accepting actual science, everyone had already just started ignoring them
"too stupid to think of a better word" this guy must be trolling
skimming through the video, no study was actually provided, no sources, nothing
unless you want to give me a timestamp, it's not worth my time to sift through it
Disappointing, he is the one who ran the stuby tho. I linked the vid because I figured himself talking on the subject would include the study. Let me see if I can refind they original papers
from the video description: "Richard Stephens will present the numerous positive outcomes of swearing."
@Gustavus Adolphus is a pedo enabler
Quote from bottom of page 6: "These were 29 adults aged 18-25 years (mean age 21.0 years, SD 1.84) including 18 females."
29 adults
very convincing lol
also that is a very narrow age group
yes, particularly in the area of comedy
It's not like there are *that* many swears.
let's face it, swear words are funny
so family friendly comedians have to improvise
I think it's impressive
Even in generalized conversation for that matter.
@Laucivol Afternoon buddy!
Nah, still 'morning. @SufferBuddy XD
ya I'm pretty sure NPC was trolling, the study he sourced seems ridiculous
I've been working for 6 hours already. xD
10 more to go.
Yay! As for me, pleasant enough first flight.. I guess.. I kinda slept through it. >.>
Still one more flight down to LAX to go.