Message from @excursion12 (redha, richtginger)
Discord ID: 646048711549648928
from the video description: "Richard Stephens will present the numerous positive outcomes of swearing."
@Gustavus Adolphus is a pedo enabler
Quote from bottom of page 6: "These were 29 adults aged 18-25 years (mean age 21.0 years, SD 1.84) including 18 females."
29 adults
very convincing lol
also that is a very narrow age group
One might argue that "artificially restraining word choice" *improves* functional language.
yes, particularly in the area of comedy
It's not like there are *that* many swears.
let's face it, swear words are funny
so family friendly comedians have to improvise
I think it's impressive
Even in generalized conversation for that matter.
@Laucivol Afternoon buddy!
Nah, still 'morning. @SufferBuddy XD
I've been working for 6 hours already. xD
10 more to go.
Yay! As for me, pleasant enough first flight.. I guess.. I kinda slept through it. >.>
Still one more flight down to LAX to go.
Ok but why would anyone WANT to be british>
Everyone wants to be British you nigrot
Just not northern
shove it up your ass brit boi
Are you a German?
Nope thank god