Message from @Graham
Discord ID: 329091597364887562
@Intolerant Sean welcome
Shelby County
just changed my nickname btw
Oh no way, I was born and raised for almost 10 years in Clay County just east of you
Gorgeous land out there
Nice yeah i grew up in Birmingham but now i live out in the country
its beautiful out here
NC? Later the better for me
What county are you in? @Graham
@Intolerant Sean Talladega County
I want to spit on a Lenin statue
We should meet up soon @Graham
@Intolerant Sean Lets go get some BBQ or some shit man
fuckin down with that
Welcome brother
@Graham you on twatter
Thanks man @Cody88 - FL
National Bloc?
Official Vanguard Texas Twitter when?
@Thomas Ryan natsoc server
As soon as you want to make one @Phillip-TX lol
Just turn yours into the official TX one. You already have followers
I thought we had a Texas already.
It got gassed
Texas Twitter is dead. Long live Texas Twitter.
1.3k followers. Rip in piece.
@Thomas Ryan the VA acct is north of that know anyway
It had around 3k before it got shut down the first time.
The new texas account will accumulate 10k followers by christmas.
I don't know why retard pepe is my favorite pepe, but it is.