Message from @Intolerant Sean
Discord ID: 329084261858541568
Thank You guys im glad to be a aprt of VA
Oh shit I just remembered there's a lenin statue here in Seattle
@Intolerant Sean Welcome man!
I'm gonna try and find it while I'm still here In town and spit on it or something
What county do you live in?
@Intolerant Sean welcome
Shelby County
just changed my nickname btw
Oh no way, I was born and raised for almost 10 years in Clay County just east of you
Gorgeous land out there
Nice yeah i grew up in Birmingham but now i live out in the country
its beautiful out here
NC? Later the better for me
What county are you in? @Graham
@Intolerant Sean Talladega County
I want to spit on a Lenin statue
We should meet up soon @Graham
@Intolerant Sean Lets go get some BBQ or some shit man
Welcome brother
@Graham you on twatter
Thanks man @Cody88 - FL
*plugs twitter page*
National Bloc?
Official Vanguard Texas Twitter when?
@Thomas Ryan natsoc server
As soon as you want to make one @Phillip-TX lol
Just turn yours into the official TX one. You already have followers
I thought we had a Texas already.
It got gassed
Texas Twitter is dead. Long live Texas Twitter.
1.3k followers. Rip in piece.
@Thomas Ryan the VA acct is north of that know anyway
It had around 3k before it got shut down the first time.