Message from @everybodydothatdinosaur

Discord ID: 631271428318036008

2019-10-08 23:24:21 UTC  

I mean imagine al gore is president and 9/11 happened, would that mean we wouldn't invade afghanistan? I guess MAYBE, but most people would respond the same way

2019-10-08 23:24:37 UTC  

Afghanistan had it coming

2019-10-08 23:24:38 UTC  

If I could see the email chain I might change my mind. But again, I didnt think bush was involved anyway

2019-10-08 23:24:42 UTC  

He doesn't need to be in the white house for the same series of events to happen

2019-10-08 23:24:52 UTC  


2019-10-08 23:24:56 UTC  

People give cheney way to much credit

2019-10-08 23:25:04 UTC  

Not that I think it was fake, but if it was fake I doubt bush was all that involved

2019-10-08 23:25:22 UTC  

or that is if someone in the U.S. helped plan the attack or something

2019-10-08 23:25:22 UTC  

I'd say shocked child. I stared at the TV for a solid 5 minutes like a drooling idiot when I realized it was real.

2019-10-08 23:25:26 UTC  

There may have been governmeant that helped with the attack, but foreign governmeants like pakistan

2019-10-08 23:25:43 UTC  

pakistan gave the people the passports who did the 9/11 attacks

2019-10-08 23:25:46 UTC  

Bush was a posterchild. Cheney called the shots.

2019-10-08 23:25:48 UTC  

and made the TAliban

2019-10-08 23:26:17 UTC  

Bush was a genius

2019-10-08 23:26:35 UTC  

osama bin laden was found .8 miles from the pakistan military training headquarters

2019-10-08 23:26:47 UTC  

Whow wait wat

2019-10-08 23:26:50 UTC  


2019-10-08 23:27:07 UTC  

Anyways, osama bin laden was found hiding in pakistan right outside the pakistan's intelligence agency

2019-10-08 23:27:16 UTC  

And they made the taliban, and the attackers had pakistan passports

2019-10-08 23:27:30 UTC  

So it's very likely pakistan helped plan this whole thing, but that wouldn't be a U.S. governmeant

2019-10-08 23:28:23 UTC  

Again, not definitive proof, but just very convienent how bin laden was shot, no pictures, burried at sea, and then the team that did it dies in a helicopter crash .

2019-10-08 23:28:56 UTC  

dudes on dialysis and orchestrates the biggest attack on our soil using a satelite phone and a laptop

2019-10-08 23:29:12 UTC  

Well it wasn't the team that did it actually, it was just members of the same team, Seal team Six, which was terrible. The people who actually shot Osama Bin Laden are still alive, including the guy who wrote the book "no easy days". He was shot and cremated and then buried at sea mostly to get rid of him

2019-10-08 23:29:16 UTC  

Two things can be true at the same time

2019-10-08 23:29:21 UTC  

it shows a lot of hatred for him like, get rid of him so he can't come back alive

2019-10-08 23:29:28 UTC  

1) 9/11 was real
2) The US government wanted to cover some things up

2019-10-08 23:29:53 UTC  

Just because 9/11 was real doesn't mean there was nothing shady happening

2019-10-08 23:30:01 UTC  

They probably grabbed the carbon copy of the CIA checks on the way out

2019-10-08 23:30:14 UTC  

There could be a cover-up of something, but actually Bush before 9/11 happened warned about the increasing problem of international terrorism, while Clinton actually shut down a lot of our counter terrorist programs.

2019-10-08 23:30:35 UTC  

But if we increase the scope of the conspiracy to "Something bad happened while 9/11 also was happening", that could mean anything. The two things are only tangentially connected

2019-10-08 23:30:44 UTC  

I'm sure corruption was in existance around the same time

2019-10-08 23:30:48 UTC  

If you blamed Clinton for 9/11 i'd kinda give ear to that

2019-10-08 23:30:59 UTC  

I kind of do in that he lowered our security defenses right before

2019-10-08 23:31:06 UTC  

And he also did a lot of weird shit like give missile technology to China

2019-10-08 23:31:14 UTC  

Even Hillary should be blamed, cause fuck her

2019-10-08 23:31:32 UTC  

I think it's more so incompetence and then a cover up of said incompetence

2019-10-08 23:31:48 UTC  

The democrats after 9/11 went in to panic mode knowing they'd be blamed, so they blamed bush x1000 to deflect responsibility

2019-10-08 23:31:51 UTC  

It's kind of their MO