Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 631281920407240714

2019-10-08 23:44:44 UTC  

Even if you get caught democrats will put their fingers in their ears and not care

2019-10-08 23:45:02 UTC  

They can do no evil as universal healthcare which, by defintion we already have, is so much more important than mass rape and slavery

2019-10-08 23:45:37 UTC  

The democrats in california are a sanctuary state, so mass slavery is legal, as is human trafficking. It's not that hard to find a few democrats that will help facilitate smuggling of people then, for Jeffery Epstein's own sick perversions, if they smuggle millions of illegal immigrants in

2019-10-08 23:45:43 UTC  

Bypassing federal law already

2019-10-08 23:45:55 UTC  

They take advantage of existing criminal conspiracies essentially to get away with stuff

2019-10-08 23:47:22 UTC  

Something like 50-80% of illegal immigrant woman are raped when attempting to cross the border, and it's a well known thing to pimp this people out when they are favorable

2019-10-08 23:47:33 UTC  

Why not tap in to that yourself, right, as a billionare

2019-10-08 23:47:48 UTC  

Blackmail people who sleep with them and make even more money, which he has tons of tapes of

2019-10-08 23:49:48 UTC  

Another thing to look for is who's invested in the stocks. People often look at CEO's, but anyone can profit off of a publicy traded company, who only has stocks in said company for 3 days or less, right. Anyone can buy or sell shares. So, if someone benefits after a major event, it may not have even been the CEO or business leader wanting it, it could be some random shareholder. Commit terrorist attack, stocks go down at said company, then stocks sky rocket when people reverse course and come out in support of said company; you buy low, sell high, no-one the wiser. Hey, I just convienently traded stocks at the right time, nothing illegal about that.

2019-10-08 23:50:29 UTC  

But it leaves behind a clearly trackable paper trail, of only circumstantial evidence, but good enough for a person to figure out who's who

2019-10-08 23:52:47 UTC  

"Timothy M. Carney, US ambassador to Sudan between September 1995 and November 1997, co-authored an op-ed in 2002 claiming that in 1997, Sudan offered to turn over its intelligence on bin Laden to the USA, but that Susan Rice, as National Security Council (NSC) Africa specialist, together with NSC terrorism specialist Richard A. Clarke, successfully lobbied for continuing to bar U.S. officials, including the CIA and FBI, from engaging with the Khartoum government.[8] Similar allegations (that Susan Rice joined others in missing an opportunity to cooperate with Sudan on counter-terrorism) were made by David Rose, Vanity Fair contributing editor,[9] and Richard Miniter, author of Losing Bin Laden"

2019-10-08 23:53:19 UTC  

So Clarke was extremely critical of Bush, and was Clinton's counter terrorism guy. Buttttt, he also did a lot of stuff that obstructed the hunt for Osama bin laden and others

2019-10-08 23:53:48 UTC  

The counter terrorism strategy of Clinton was to do nothing. We did nothing in Rwanda for example, and in 3 months over 1 million people were killed. His general attitude was do nothing, and ignore the problem, and then it got worse

2019-10-08 23:53:56 UTC  

Bush warned of this during his campaign and it made him popular

2019-10-09 00:07:34 UTC  

Oh and the whole 9/11 commission thing in to Bush, it's eerily reminiscent of the Russian spy claims against Trump. With no proof he was formally accused of doing it, and a several year long investigation commenced that has still left many believing it's true

2019-10-09 00:08:33 UTC  

lol xD

2019-10-09 00:08:42 UTC  

Really there's just so much information to go in to

2019-10-09 00:08:58 UTC  

Ah yes, Tony Blair.

2019-10-09 00:09:31 UTC  

The man who gave Britain a supreme court so it could weigh against parliament in his favor

2019-10-09 00:10:03 UTC  

Honestly Blair fucked Britain harder than anyone can claim Bush or Cheney fucked the US

2019-10-09 00:16:00 UTC  

" I know you’re up to your ears in other things but we’ve been dealing with this for years and it’s sort of a big deal here. Rodney told me he put some more stuff down on the table. *In a political season*, it would be big over here to get this open sore resolved. If you could have somebody take a look at it. I have never seen him more agitated about anything. He is just trying to get it resolved."

2019-10-09 00:16:06 UTC  

Damn bro, that's a direct reference to politics

2019-10-09 00:17:16 UTC  

Politicians are just mafia in suits change my mind

2019-10-09 00:19:06 UTC  


2019-10-09 00:20:07 UTC  

.... the mafia were already in suits @ETBrooD

2019-10-09 00:20:12 UTC  

Here's an interesting nugget, so basicaly this guy warned of 9/11 a month before it happened, and imminent attacks on the U.S., and Clinton had cut ties with him basically, while the Bush administration was busy building a new relationship with them. There were fears of the rising Taliban threat, and Massoud was the trusted guy in the region. 2 days before 9/11, he was assassinated, and his predictions came true

2019-10-09 00:20:32 UTC  

"In 1998, a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency analyst, Julie Sirrs, visited Massoud's territories privately, having previously been denied official permission to do so by her agency. She reported that Massoud had conveyed warnings about strengthened ties between the Taliban and foreign Islamist terrorists. Returning home, she was sacked from her agency for insubordination, because at that time the U.S. administration had no trust in Massoud."

2019-10-09 00:20:44 UTC  

"CIA lawyers, working with officers in the Near East Division and Counterterrorist Center, began to draft a formal, legal presidential finding for Bush's signature authorizing a new covert action program in Afghanistan, the first in a decade that sought to influence the course of the Afghan war in favour of Massoud.[98] This change in policy was finalized in August 2001 when it was too late."

2019-10-09 00:21:02 UTC  

Essentially, Bush was ramping things up in the middle east, right before 9/11, right after Clinton had basically ignored the threat

2019-10-09 00:21:18 UTC  

Obviously Bush was *right*, as 9/11 later happened and his fears were confirmed true they would try to attack the U.S.

2019-10-09 00:21:59 UTC  

That's the interesting part of the story that no-one ever talks about. Clinton gutted out counter terrorist programs on the way out of presidency, and Bush was trying to build them back up. Clinton's view was that it was a waste of time and paranoia we would be attacked

2019-10-09 00:22:13 UTC  

Granted, weakening your own defenses makes you a target, but whatever way it goes, the Republicans were right on this way

2019-10-09 00:22:47 UTC  

Massoud is the guy that helped fight the soviet

2019-10-09 00:43:58 UTC  
2019-10-09 00:44:21 UTC  

This gentleman did a good job going through everything

2019-10-09 00:46:23 UTC  

Also there is no evidence for bin laden being on dialysis

2019-10-09 00:50:57 UTC  

I have to admit as a non-American it's much more fun to believe it was a conspiracy