Message from @TheNerdKing001

Discord ID: 633814636080267274

2019-10-15 23:21:10 UTC  

Yea we need flairs and miniguns mounted on ghost hawks

2019-10-15 23:22:06 UTC  

Forming of citizen militias, then?

2019-10-15 23:22:52 UTC  

Unfortunately we need an IRA style parimilitary unit again

2019-10-15 23:23:04 UTC  

Holy F*ck...

2019-10-15 23:23:38 UTC  


2019-10-15 23:24:13 UTC  


2019-10-15 23:30:59 UTC  

Look man, I'm just taken aback, okay... Didn't expect that kind of take...

2019-10-15 23:33:47 UTC  

I dont want to cause violence

2019-10-15 23:34:26 UTC  


2019-10-15 23:34:29 UTC  

Neither do I.

2019-10-15 23:36:53 UTC  

you want a paramilitary unit but dont want violence. right.

2019-10-15 23:36:58 UTC  

@Great Britain So the militiae and paramilitary units should be if the political situation gets beyond the point of no return?

2019-10-15 23:38:56 UTC  

I wouldn't be to fond of an IRA style paramilitary rising up, paramilitaries always end up screwing everybody over

2019-10-15 23:39:29 UTC  

Also I forget to asnwer I'm a geolibertarian

2019-10-15 23:41:05 UTC  

@TheNerdKing001 Neither would I. I'm just surprised that there are people out there who'd support the concept.

2019-10-15 23:43:28 UTC  

Yeah, it's those people that are the most uninformed and unaware of what has actually happened in history and believe what biased sources have said happened

2019-10-15 23:44:23 UTC  

OK. Can you please elaborate on that?

2019-10-15 23:44:45 UTC  

I'm not familiar with the history of such things.

2019-10-15 23:51:32 UTC  

Ahh, sorry I'm getting into Irish and northern Irish history, basically paramilitarys like the IRA ( Irish Republican army) and the UVF (Ulster volunteer force) had major fights with each other and lots of other groups, these conflicts led to countless deaths and injurys of innocent people caught in the crossfire, on e this Fighting ended everyone agrees it was bad and they were glad it had stopped. However, the new generation hasn't lived with major paramilitary threat so they don't know how bad it was, combine this with fanitical old people spewing propaganda and you get modern day people wanting paramilitarys

2019-10-15 23:52:06 UTC  

My mistake shouldnt have said that

2019-10-15 23:53:04 UTC  

Anyways, I'm insanely tired and I'm heading to bed, see Yas

2019-10-15 23:53:30 UTC  

I am just seeing the terrible situation we are in and how atomised we are, ideas are going around in my head

2019-10-15 23:58:07 UTC  

It's alright, man. I understand.

2019-10-16 07:28:01 UTC  

I dont like videos of the UK scared of what I might see with our shrinking population. @TheNerdKing001

2019-10-16 07:48:02 UTC  

We don't have a shrinking population

2019-10-16 08:05:18 UTC  

Can confirm. Was swarmed my geese the other day

2019-10-16 08:09:49 UTC  


2019-10-16 08:16:50 UTC  

Our antem

2019-10-16 08:26:38 UTC  

Nevertheless, even were mass immigration to end overnight, the population would barely top out, it wouldn't suddenly collapse

2019-10-16 08:26:48 UTC  

It would take a generation to fall 10%

2019-10-16 08:42:06 UTC  

Hello I wanted to ask a question about what is going on in the UK. If the parliament is stopping the UK from leaving, and thus no longer following the what the people want and it is the people that give them the power in the first place why does anyone listen to them? I mean if parliament is now going against the people it has lost its purpose and should be discarded for not lawfully full filling the wishes of the people at least those who are preventing brexit.

2019-10-16 08:45:02 UTC  

They have the guns, and they speak for ~50% of the public so think they can get away with it

2019-10-16 08:47:10 UTC  

do they have the guns? and 48% is not the same as 50% or do they not know maths lol

2019-10-16 08:52:19 UTC  

48%/50%/52% doesn't matter the numbers.
WHen I say "they have the guns", I mean they have the monopoly on force, they have control of the military, the police, the judiciary, all parts of government and the civil service, the schools, the universities, and the hospitals

2019-10-16 08:52:29 UTC  

And the media

2019-10-16 08:53:38 UTC  

You can't simply "discard" parliament, it won't allow itself to be discarded - they are actually refusing to allow a general election to happen at the moment as they know it will see europhiles booted from office in sufficient numbers to undermine their stranglehold

2019-10-16 08:53:47 UTC  

And no, an insurgency isn't going to work

2019-10-16 08:56:04 UTC  

My suggestion would be to sit tight for now

2019-10-16 09:03:52 UTC  

oh ok sounds like whom ever divided up the government made some mistakes as parliament seems to have way too much power over the government itself