Message from @killsode-slugcat
Discord ID: 549033296953212958
And he used a similar map to what I used
At least one
If you want the maps I can send them to you
I use that a lot too. But mostly because of my own laziness
I have
Could you explain to me the process in a but more detail?
It works for filling and stuff but for my generals use it doesnt.
Well for me I think of an idea I want to do
Then I pick between a few maps that I have. Best one usually the one that takes place during the game it is taken from. And I go from there flooring in. Changing the map. Adding new provinces that weren't there print akky to begin with
*the filter is looking, pretty weird*
looks like it was put through a neural network
That's because it was <:hyperthink:462282519883284480>
Its literally an art AI
Since you have prompted me
Someone in another server asked if it could do pictures
This is the original image:
This is what the AI does to it. Strips it down to as basic as it can make it. Then you direct it how to colour it. There are more advanced tools as well. Normally I manually touch up the image that gets put out.
This was a 5 minute effort to produce 2 images, including the 30~ish second processing time
This is one I actually put effort into that I made a long while ago:
When I found this thing I did unironically go: wtf I love ai now
So, you recolour artwork using a bot and post it here, Comando? That's not very OC.
It is rather OC. It is you creating something that did not before exist. Additionally existing colours present in art tend to effect the quality of any colouring done. None of the things I posted before were originally coloured.
Donut Steel.
That applies to a piece of art which currently exists, and deliberately recolouring it, as opposed to adding colour to something which prior had none.
@Comando so, you are a colour artist?
Not really. I pretty much picked it up to colour in Tanya sketches
Still, good stuff. My colour theory sucks, I just can't get nuances right.
i have a bad monitor
'ere we go