Message from @RhinoMaxTV
Discord ID: 622422099633373196
but most time I see casuals arguing they think the only real artist is Jim Lee and any variation on a female character are too fat
Style doesn't mean you forget that there's more than one shape of person, male or female
it's like the lazy fucks that forget wolverine is a manlet
this unnerves me in ways
You can't force an artist (or people in general for that matter) to find certain beauty standards to be what they prefer. They just do.
You kinda can, actually ... some beauty stuff is socialized ... that's not comparable to changing one's mind overnight, but it is true that beauty standards don't come purely from within. If culture had no impact, SJW wouldn't be trying to wrongthink-accuse you of transphobia for not finding gender-confused people attractive. They do it because it works (at least on mentally weak people ... that's why extra chromo trannies are also a thing).
Assuming this is still about comics, consider the following:
Comics are about storytelling. Not putting you dick in everything
Can there be hot women? Yes absolutely
Should they all be? No
Same for men
But at least in theory male characters have more variation even if some artists don’t bother
Maybe I've been in far more arguments with people on 'the right' over comic aesthtics, so I've seen people argue that a female character who is called fat, cow and a firetruck by people in her own comic, should be thin because all art should be appealing which makes as little sense as SJWs throwing up their hands about some tiddy.
So close to being done. I think it's less than an hour's work. Then I'm going to start my entry for this local contest. You can only use black white and green. I've got a couple ideas and would love to hear yours.
Thank you.
Aliens on the moon. Black white and green there
Hmmm. Thank you. I’m gonna dwell on that for a while.
Update. Still not finished.
i wrote a song about my feelings about steven crowder (i'm on the fence)
Thisbis what belongs here
so a person i follow on twitter was blocked by crunchyroll and that inspired me to write this:
My only war game encapsulated
is it your art tho reeeee
no lol
I can't draw
@Ferretlord87 If you made that thank you very much. Total coincidence, but I have two friends who are going out. The girl's persona is an albern haired necko girl. That is the appropriate level of cute and cringe to annoy both of them up!
Petition to Stop giving Nightcrawler a hipster beard