Message from @S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Discord ID: 558932964696915968

2019-03-23 02:39:00 UTC  
2019-03-23 02:39:53 UTC  

the first redpill you will have to take is that governments always lie they have lied about many things they have done many false flags. the word govern ment in latin means control mind

2019-03-23 02:42:19 UTC  

"govern" is old french

2019-03-23 02:42:43 UTC  

it's derived from the greek "kybernan" which meant to pilot

2019-03-23 02:42:53 UTC  

there's exactly zero evidence that it ever meant mind control

2019-03-23 02:43:57 UTC  

I get that governments do a lot of lying but making up an entire latin root does not make you look even slightly credible

2019-03-23 02:44:07 UTC

2019-03-23 02:46:53 UTC  

now the real question is if you're going to jump down the right rabbit hole here

2019-03-23 02:47:01 UTC  

you're getting lost in the FNORDs, man

2019-03-23 02:47:20 UTC  

step off the flat earth and into the real world

2019-03-23 02:47:52 UTC  

(FNORD means a fake conspiracy designed to distract from real secrets)

2019-03-23 02:48:21 UTC

2019-03-23 02:49:00 UTC  

let me show you the world of CIA cocaine and american guns in middle eastern hands

2019-03-23 03:44:44 UTC  
2019-03-23 08:03:42 UTC  

Was it Zizek's Birthday? Why are people talking about this?

2019-03-23 08:04:13 UTC  

@Firefly @DA GOMMIE JOO if the disabled thing (@beyond33antarctica) bothers you again just block them and watch this

2019-03-23 08:05:23 UTC  

Rosenrot oh Rosenrot

Christian Communism = heresy.

Prove me wrong.

Communists: Lenin is not impressed
Christians: John Paul II is not impressed

My Nazbol mantra:

*Progress without Degeneracy;
Tradition without Backwardness*

2019-03-23 08:50:32 UTC  

We havent met before, but I hope you are pretending to be retarded.

2019-03-23 08:51:35 UTC  

Hello, my name is Tenno. I'm an idealist and I pretend theism and communism can co-exist

2019-03-23 08:52:42 UTC  

You have never read a book apparently. And I know whatever reply you have will be empty of references to coherent ideas

In theory, you are right @Deleted User.

But considering that organized theism has helped perpetuating the system by giving them divine "validation", that's why the historical Left is angry at them.

As what Karl Marx said, "Religion is the opium of the people".

And way long before Marxism was a thing, the Protestant movement kinda got the message of proto-socialism very well.

2019-03-23 09:02:12 UTC  

Okay you are jumping around a lot now. Let's get one thing clear. Theism and Communist doesn't mix

I stood corrected.

But there is one thing the Protestants of 15th Century Germany didnt get.

Organized theism only helped creating division.

2019-03-23 09:05:22 UTC  

I have nothing against Protestants. I think this was a smart development over pedo-sodomatic catholicism

2019-03-23 09:05:46 UTC  

However I would only ever side with Confessional Lutherans

To think, Protestantism itself broke to a thousand pieces as the bigger body starts stagnating then a smaller group catches fire in zeal to fan up the old flames.

Then this smaller body grows, becomes as decadent as those before it, cycle repeats.

2019-03-23 09:07:26 UTC  

Every Christian is a Church when you think about it. I am merely referring to the idea that the centralised Church is empty of meaning and the future of believers is not in Rome