Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO
Discord ID: 621498422498689034
israel would do much more in syria than the US or any western nation
I'm sure they would do much more to help them
oh look they only apologized AFTER being hit with airstrikes
"Ya’alon’s officer refused to elaborate on how exactly the Islamic State expressed its apology to Israel after the attack. "
oh look they refused to address how the apology was even made
and ignore the massive evidence that Israel gave ISIS fighters medical assistance
well if there's massive evidence then you should be able to provide some
oh yeah because ISIS always takes it back after its attacked
its not like it doubles down when that happens or anything
why would ISIS apologize?
Makes no sense they would change because they're afraid of israel
why would the IDF refuse to explain how they apologized
why is the only source for this a single officer
>they only help al nusura/ al aqaeda Israel would never cross the line and help ISIS though no way
did I ever say they wouldn't
so far all you've shown is one man making an offhand comment that nobody else has elaborated on or even confirmed
@Cantwell israeli medical teams in Israeli hospitald have helped suicide bombers who attempted to kill Israelis
@Cantwell why was there us weapons in ISIS hands
ISIS uses us weapons too, even their vehicles
Oh maybe it's because like any other fucking war and conflict, shit gets smuggled and people profit off of war
Nah fuck that it's da joos
imagine countries the US has funded having access to us weapons and those weapons getting stolen
He'll hurt himself
dm me for scat rp
@DA GOMMIE JOO nonetheless, Israel gave assistance to Al Nusra, which is a wahhabi terrorist organization that falls under the same ideological banner as ISIS. Al Nusra, ISIS, HTS, Jaysh-al-Islam, etc. They are all the same at the end of the day, trying to differentiate between Sunni jihadists is like trying to determine which piece of shit stinks the least
if you're helping al nusra you may as well help ISIS since they are both allies
They aren't allies moron @poopyscoopy
Al nusra is fighting a righteous cause
Unlike ISIS
ISIS has capitulated and are being kept alive by money alone. Al nusra fights with the guidance of the most holy on their side.
Same with the free Syrian army
Death to Assad