Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO
Discord ID: 621497198026162186
syria is also their closest ally
it's all in process don't you worry
ISIS is saudi-turkish backed, actually claiming responsibility for several sinai attacks against the IDF
it was first and foremost an anti-iran group
like every group saudi arabia funds
wow like the the same turkey and saudi arabia it says israel should work with in the paper?
ISIS barely attacked israel lol
they fucking apologized when they did accidently
when was that
israel collaborated with al-nusra, but never with ISIS as far as I can tell
isis probably doesnt want to provoke israel
because they were in the midst of multiple other conflicts in the area
yes just because they're so afraid of israel and not every other country in the world
israel would do much more in syria than the US or any western nation
I'm sure they would do much more to help them
oh look they only apologized AFTER being hit with airstrikes
"Ya’alon’s officer refused to elaborate on how exactly the Islamic State expressed its apology to Israel after the attack. "
and ignore the massive evidence that Israel gave ISIS fighters medical assistance
well if there's massive evidence then you should be able to provide some
oh yeah because ISIS always takes it back after its attacked
its not like it doubles down when that happens or anything
why would ISIS apologize?
Makes no sense they would change because they're afraid of israel
why would the IDF refuse to explain how they apologized
why is the only source for this a single officer
>they only help al nusura/ al aqaeda Israel would never cross the line and help ISIS though no way
did I ever say they wouldn't
I said they haven't
so far all you've shown is one man making an offhand comment that nobody else has elaborated on or even confirmed
@Cantwell israeli medical teams in Israeli hospitald have helped suicide bombers who attempted to kill Israelis
@Cantwell why was there us weapons in ISIS hands
ISIS uses us weapons too, even their vehicles
Oh maybe it's because like any other fucking war and conflict, shit gets smuggled and people profit off of war