Message from @Firefly
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@Firefly , have you thought about joining Goodreads? There’s even a young leftypol group that we can use to talk about books about theory and those of general interest.
why do soviets have posters of gay men and women but have had homosexuality outlawed in the country
@petit bourgeois because of historical reasons.
yeah i get homosexuality was a product of the times but the posters contridict it
the outlaw of homosexuality
@petit bourgeois didn't you study Hegel and Marx? Everything is a subject to change
yes i did
what does that have to do with homsexual propaganda then the outlaw of homosexuality lol
was the posters at a period after stalin?
@petit bourgeois It has to do with our authoritarian propaganda. One authoritarian bannes homosexuality another authoritarian allows it.
The poster is newly made
so like after the 50's
when homosexuality was more decriminalized
Now its even more decriminalized
oh so those were not even during the soviet union
wait nonon
Its current poster
Did I say I live in San-Francisco?
Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here.
Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here.
Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here.
Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here.
What is your opinion and response to Islam?
i think most communists agree that religion is cancer
@Deleted User Islam has to go. All Judeo-Christian-Islam tradition has to be erased.
people can still have their individual spiritual beliefs though
Interesting. How will this be achieved?
Uphold Judaism-Christianism-Islamism with buddhaist characteristics
organized religion needs to go
religion should wither away, imo