Message from @andy?
Discord ID: 316048345388810256
Leave then
@Garlic the Soviet Remember me?
Why was I kicked from that server?
@piola#7749 you don't even know /pol was socialist before becoming republican in the last years.
/pol/ was more libral than socialist
or social democrats
who had edgy humor
@andy? I agree it was more socdem kind of thing. But do we copy from /pol or /pol copies from us? We were there first.
what /pol/ is now are the stormfags (that whole thing started as a joke) and newfags
almost all the oldfags left
Oh shit
how are you doing fam
actully a few oldfags use /leftypol/
im fine
I haven't seen your username in ages
Nope, I left
im thinking of leaving
wait, there's a /leftypol/ discord?
There's *several*
It's a long story
of internet drama and coups
I see
most of them are pretty shit tbh
i have been thinking of leaving
this seem like a not so good server tbh
need more roles and other channels
I'm a Fascist
Am I cool?