Message from @andy?
Discord ID: 316053108721713153
also one did support LGBT
but that was more personal
The problem with strasserism is the nationalism, and that jews are seen as bad but from an economic standpoint as opposed to solely racial
then again strasserism isn't that common
only against rich jews
it's gaining popluarity
but why not just rich people in general. lol no reason to be anti-semitic at all, since being bourgeois isn't a jew-only thing
strasser himself said "antisemtism is dead. long live the people"
strasserites want to go after the rich, at least the ones i spoke with
That's true, but there are certainly plenty of anti-semitic strasserites
and I disagree with strasserites on the concept of nationalism and the idea that socialism won't lead to the withering away of the state
yea, but they are just nazis tbh
I always found it odd, the division within the party, some people saying they identify with Hitlerism
there is a diffrence, i think u can redpill strassrite more since they belive in much more the same
I've always loved this "third position" meme
Like there's actually a third position that's not more authoritarian capitalism
You're either capitalist or socialist
The workers own the MoP or not
anprims ?
@Sorghagtani Beki Hi there
Good Morning!
Is this place still being attacked
By whom?
I heard from the other leftypol that people were doxxing this
I don't know anything about that, sorry. I joined two hours ago.
How does one even dox a Discord server?
I think he mean raiding
Wew lad
cool hat
Ash pretty good.
Enjoying the banter and such.