Message from @Riefen
Discord ID: 327646853757796353
No, but we're looking to
Everyone wants one
Yeah pretty cool design. You guys have aesthetics down solid
Nigger dog
Nice doggo
Looks like a rat terrier
So I'm rewatching Trailer Park Boys from the beginning. The greatest comedy ever created
Lady killer, except he CANNOT be around another dog without trying to violently rape it.
Great show @RCO Nick-TX
I'm trying to watch man in the high castle, are the nazis supposed to be the bad guys?
Yea they are unintentionally portrayed well
Stupid kikes
If y'all make a run of those flags I'd like to get one
I believe we're looking into a couple of different avenues to get some made.
We'll just keep us posted 👍🏻
Season 1 they're unintentionally portrayed well but s2 it's definitely intentional
i redpilled a black guy
Not a white
I killed a black guy
She said hey guys 😂😂
he says europe needs to stay european now
@roybooneNC stupid question but are you in Boone NC?
redskegg#3653 @reds No I fucked myself with this name I'm in Greensboro
Aye, either way you're not far off. I'm a hop and a skip from Asheville @roybooneNC
@redskegg I've got a old high school friend in Asheville. Been needing to ride up there and visit.
For a weekend
So my great dane has bitten two mestizos and a faggot plus she can seig heil. Dogs are explicitly white.
Gotta pump those numbers up
I want to see if this gif works plus it's funny as hell
Lmao that's great
So I made 50 copies of this to start