Message from @Leonid Illich Brezhnev
Discord ID: 344958816934297602
you'll get tired, faggot
just block him
oh yeah
i can just block him lmao
Wow what a loser
people will still be here after your temper tantrum
i'm dutch
ew leftists
can someone direct me to the complimentary helicopter tours
**E C K S D E E**
Y so dead?
We need to make a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist bunker server
Pwitty pls
@Leonid Illich Brezhnev#6432
@Deleted User This server was supposed to be exactly that.
But it has fallen apart.
Funny how 1/3 of this server are non leftists
...or 2/3
Can't be a true commie server unless everybody here is a commie.
And it certainly cannot be a true commie discord if people have opposing beliefs.
@Vladimir the Soviet @Deleted User let's make one
@Heimat Wow, first time I see it used against anarcho-lefties. People usually use that against gommies.
@ego_sum_jeffum If you were Maoist and an agrarian maybe consider Pol Pot thought?
Pol pot icky
Only marx Lenin and mao
The reason for allowing opposite opinions here was explained.
If you don't like it, close your eyes nigger hahahahahaha