Message from @National Trotskyist
Discord ID: 355423199300681741
@Firefly Whose statue is that?
Have no idea. Stole it from 2ch
It looks like Lenin or Stalin patriarch honestly, lol
It does.
Maybe from one of the sects which venerates them
It's weird that people feel the need to bring up other ideologies to defend the shortcomings of their own
I'd also point to North Korea, but we all know that they're an absolute monarchy posing as a communist regime
Let's look at the ethnic makeup of the region as well
See if it matches up with this
are u fucking retarded, this is the number of sex offenders in the usa.
>England and Wales
Stupid white people being typical retarded hillbilly yeehawww.
Nice meme
Pledge your support to the DPRK in its noble battle against the Western imperialism
I fully support north korea.
Pledge your support to the DPRK in its noble battle against the wellbeing of its own people
I'm glad someone finally has the balls to stand up to those inbred white pigs.
and now there all like "omg im so scared north korea bombing us innoncent white people"
I seriously hope kim jong il nukes the shit out of alaska better yet missisippi.
Is <:minervaeDerp:230049566098063361> for <:boner:322088526835482624>?
Alaska should be returned to Russia tbqh
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All of the Russians living in Alaska today have immigrated within the past century
I don't think so.
Aren't there still few majority villages.
And Orthodox churches.
I think alaska should be given to the native americans.
To show some respect.
Tcw there is no single native american state in all of America
Thats the least white people can do for massacaring them.