Message from @Firefly
Discord ID: 355418905235161089
@Deleted User Hitler fled to the Argentina tho. Unless you legit believe she was a transgendered woman.
@df White genocide quite literally happens in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Good fuck white people
@National Trotskyist Why you.. you look like You today
@squidward 4 communism Your images looks like from the Virtual Boy console.
Hurricane update V: Caribbean got btfo edition
Now we know god actually exist.
I wonder how long the food problems under communism meme will last
because it's a pretty half-baked assertion
It'll end once communist countries stop having food problems :^)
I don't know of any in the later part of the 20th century
@Firefly Whose statue is that?
It looks like Lenin or Stalin patriarch honestly, lol
It does.
Maybe from one of the sects which venerates them
It's weird that people feel the need to bring up other ideologies to defend the shortcomings of their own
I'd also point to North Korea, but we all know that they're an absolute monarchy posing as a communist regime
Let's look at the ethnic makeup of the region as well
See if it matches up with this
are u fucking retarded, this is the number of sex offenders in the usa.
>England and Wales
Stupid white people being typical retarded hillbilly yeehawww.
Nice meme
Pledge your support to the DPRK in its noble battle against the Western imperialism
I fully support north korea.
Pledge your support to the DPRK in its noble battle against the wellbeing of its own people
I'm glad someone finally has the balls to stand up to those inbred white pigs.