Message from @Garbage

Discord ID: 602559512024449074

2019-07-20 17:45:55 UTC  

**And then you failed to explain it to me, only to seize on it later so that you could pretend that you had an excuse using which you could say that you didn't backpedal.**

2019-07-20 17:46:28 UTC  

It doesn't matter. Both arguments were ruthlessly crushed: **neither of the sets of definitions that you gave me matched any of the three sorts that I brought up**, while I dismantled your definitions and showed that you were talking about things which are perhaps universally true for bourgeois politics as a whole (*hence the irony of you calling me a 'fascist' when, using your understanding of what a 'state' is, __everyone including you must also be a 'fascist'__*).

2019-07-20 21:56:25 UTC  

@Garbage You never pinged me and with this one image i show that you are the biggest ullshiter in the world

2019-07-20 21:58:50 UTC  

""hence the irony of you calling me a 'fascist' when, using your understanding of what a 'state' is"", lol i know what a polity is so i schooled you on it . As for the facist part, you have shown your facist ways, you argued that because you are in a state of transition with opposition it was okay

2019-07-20 22:00:15 UTC  

What is my understanding of a state, considering you pretend to be such and expert on my understandings surly you could awnser 😄

2019-07-20 22:00:42 UTC  

like i read 2 lines of your shit and already so many flaws and fails

2019-07-20 22:01:31 UTC  

You talked about stomping ppl with dissimular believes that did not match your own. And not just that you called for the entirety of communism to do this for you.

2019-07-20 22:01:40 UTC  

You have a dictator complex

2019-07-20 22:01:49 UTC  

are you short or something ?

2019-07-20 22:43:52 UTC  

I speak to honor him; he is both a sperger and a tistic
hear now the cry of our people; we speak for you

2019-07-20 22:46:36 UTC  

(I'm not trying to continue anything, I'm just playing. I like this meme)

2019-07-20 23:02:28 UTC  

"I speak to honor him; he is both a sperger and a tistic"
yeah i feel bad for disputing hims false statements, i dont want to make him feel bad or anything

2019-07-20 23:03:18 UTC  

but he keeps making up nonsense

2019-07-21 17:52:22 UTC  

```You never pinged me and with this one image i show that you are the biggest ullshiter in the world```

2019-07-21 17:53:10 UTC  

I never said anything about a sound being emitted.

2019-07-21 17:53:36 UTC

2019-07-21 17:53:49 UTC  

The mention appears even when the sound doesn't come up.

2019-07-21 17:53:56 UTC  

***Game Over.***

2019-07-21 17:54:05 UTC  

```What is my understanding of a state, considering you pretend to be such and expert on my understandings surly you could awnser :smile:```

2019-07-21 17:56:02 UTC  

A centralised mode of political organisation which governments use.

2019-07-21 17:56:22 UTC  

You told me that the need for a state couldn't be done away with because there would always be a need for centralisation.

2019-07-21 17:56:48 UTC  

Secondly, you also told me that governments use states.

2019-07-21 18:00:39 UTC  

**Of course, you never actually said what you thought the term meant in this whole exchange, meaning that you set this whole thing up to retroactively define what you meant and pretend that you 'schooled' me. The above is therefore all that you've given me, so for all I care, it's the position that you've taken so far (assuming that you've taken just one position this whole time - which is pretty much me giving you the benefit of the doubt).**

2019-07-21 18:01:07 UTC  

```like i read 2 lines of your shit and already so many flaws and fails
You talked about stomping ppl with dissimular believes that did not match your own. And not just that you called for the entirety of communism to do this for you.
You have a dictator complex
are you short or something ?

2019-07-21 18:02:24 UTC  

You took that as being unconditional with regards to the politics that I advocate even though I differentiated between the god's-eye-view variants of 'freedom' and 'submission' (the former of which is impossible and the latter of which is a given) which you advanced and the concrete and growing variations which I gave.

2019-07-21 18:04:14 UTC  

***It's you who denies that there can be effective conflict resolution without the need for what I call a 'state' - i.e. a political entity which needs to enforce a particular order upon society to maintain itself and service its cause. If minority causes exist, they can be assimilated and contextualised as part of a universal struggle. You talk about people not being 'free' in a most abstract, meaningless fashion, and then you use that to justify the necessity for some kind of coercive mechanism which pretends that it's alien from the actual practice of people and is influencing that practice in some way.***

2019-07-21 18:07:00 UTC  

__***You fail to see that there is ALWAYS some form of common ground that we share, and this can become a point around which universal political struggles can be consciously-positioned. When all other universalities fall away, there is still the commons of having access to reason as well as the drive to mould things in the images that we want them to be.***__

2019-07-21 18:07:43 UTC  

**Even someone with cerebral palsy or Down's syndrome can understand this using some methods or another. You can try to say that they're deficient at understanding politics, but you forget that researchers will have to isolate a specific 'nature' to political thought which leaves out an infinity of possible political struggles and reasons to struggle.**

2019-07-21 18:12:23 UTC  

>i don't wanna make him feel bad

2019-07-21 18:12:57 UTC  

>hi my name is Offender! oh, it's your fault for being offended! i'm just a poor guy who states facts and gets hated on for it!

2019-07-21 18:13:47 UTC  

>im a victim but i wanna give my enemies carpal tunnel

2019-07-21 18:15:28 UTC  

>yeah, im an innocent victim, yet i come back here every time and keep this going rather than fleeing and wailing about how someone kept on insulting me! also im not an attempted sadist, others just dance around me and call me a nazi antisemite and shit

2019-07-21 18:17:31 UTC  

Stale-ish maymay time, I see.

2019-07-21 18:17:55 UTC  

As good old Heavy says: 'you are not so good as you think!'

2019-07-21 20:03:48 UTC  

someone else said this already but it needs to be repeated

2019-07-21 20:04:10 UTC  

offender is the physical form of this image

2019-07-21 21:03:05 UTC  

was me who said it

2019-07-21 21:03:42 UTC  

you were dead-on, man

2019-07-21 23:34:17 UTC  

it was me

2019-07-22 12:59:30 UTC  
