Message from @羅大哥toni
Discord ID: 376657390285750282
he tagg me
@Deleted User
>Pagan fascist
@Deleted User Isn't that like, most of them?
@National Trotskyist What do you mean?
Aren't most fascists pagans?
I wouldn't say so. Fascist Italy was predominantly Catholic
National Socialist Germany was predominantly Christian in terms of civilians
It had a few million Jews too
*seinfield themetune plays in the background*
nothing like a good holohoax amirite
You're fucking state capitalism
>state capitalism
So modern day China and Russia?
Wtf saw someone calling them libertarian
@National Trotskyist I have not heard something that retarded in a while.
go to fuck yourself
prostitute photo
I am not in china,you are stupid
to be a best prostitute
come on
stupid, do you speak spainsh o chinese ?
low iq
you have stupid logic ,American =speaking English ?
and chinese much more rich than you
So, the protests today were a pretty big letdown
<:Maoflag1:338741497610502167> <:seal:312037860570169345> =💣🖓🖓
<:an:312037610547707905> <:st:312060486449364993>
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communism is bomb
russia is bomb