Message from @Borzo
Discord ID: 598130116236804137
Maybe organizing in real life?
maybe it would be better if we just shit in urinals
You really like the term tankie
I am getting 1000$ a week and I don't know if that is good or not. I thought it was good but then I read that 1.7 million is needed to retire. I can't get to even 1 million easily, it will take many years...
I need to exploit some other people's labor so I can make more money
Borzo join me in exploiting, and stop being a communist
you were a communist but then i told you to stop being a communist
I'll never join the dark side
Bye bye nazis
all commies need to give me half their wealth
0/2 is still 0
redistribution 🤷
All anarchists need to surrender their power
anarchist dont have anypower
they dont have collective streght or resourses
tfw no anrtichristist bf...
I used filters to fuck that thing up.
G'MIC plugin for GIMP.
Gotta do shit cheap, I'm not paying for PS.
Or using some basic online thing. Paint.NET's okay but it's been a while since I used it and I'm way more comfortable with GIMP (somehow).
I might be late with this, but has anyone else noticed they blocked this video in the US?
they being google?
but google is jews why would they be anti commie all the sudden
are they done exploiting the workers who think theyare having a revolution yet it is just a regime change
authright is actually weirdly supportive of the DPRK
because an overwhelming majority of juche niggers are fascists lol
Cause juche yeah
"leftists" who say their ideology is juche are fascist infiltrators and should be purged at the earliest convenience