Message from @Borzo
Discord ID: 633984776348631051
good luck with that
Its better than billions of people dying from famine, disease, or lack of clean water
>every country work on population control
The west already has low birth rates tho
poorer people have more kids on average
should I read this?
It's potentially infinite (though it will never be actually infinite)
energy is not infinite
new matter/energy isn't being created
Empty space isn't a thing
Kinetic energy is being produced through this process
energy cannot be created
thats literally against scientific laws
Well fuck the law
I'm a free nigga
NATO is getting pissed at Turkey
And Russia backs Syria
My leader can beat your leader.
I unironically miss when that was how it worked
Monarchist ganf
Can I get someone to make me a simple 3 page HTML outline?
I unironically miss it when battles were centered around a duel between 2 leaders and if one of them was too weak then the whole dominion had to suffer occupation and slavery to a foreign invader without even being morally legitimised to fight back @Magnus the Rad
Y’all got any of that ara ara
ok furries and weebs, enough of this marxist nonsense
Marxism is retarded
im convinced
got it