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Discord ID: 633020872797585409

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u want something like this instead pussy bitch


Imagine being far right and not loyal to monarchy

enjoy your clown show political system

you dont even know the origin of what it means to be right wing

that is, supporters of the monarchy and catholic

@nebula moment we have a unique culture americans are just too lazy to have knowledge of history

ur just another ignorant american, simple as

Yeah u need blacked.com and mcdonalds to grab your attention

anything nuanced or intellectual is boring

@Chawosaurian you do realize that anglos who settled in canada for the rest of their life are canadian

George washington's father was born in England, does that make him not american?

that doesnt make him not Canadian

i didnt try and make them equivalent

The question is, is john washington not american?

Canada was founded upon 4 nations

We have catholics unlike u cringe protestants

Southern baptists are the dumbest christians out there

yeah only from italian and irish immigration

perhaps, idk why u brought it up

like you know there are more than two sports right

Basketball was invented by a Canadian

Lacrosse as an organized sport was invented by William George Beers, a Canadian

@nebula moment keep larping u dont control your government

u have the largest military in the world and you cant even shut down your southern border

@Daddy no it had proto influences but he invented the sport

the sport was invented by canadian William George Beers

Iterate means to repeate something

dude i mentioned this like 10 minutes ago

we invented lacrosse, basketball, and hockey

Someone who lives a climate with a lot of snow

you didnt know any of this and when presented contrary information to your view about Canada you just cry and say u dont care

Worshipping a piece of paper instead of the queen

No, where the jews who control your mass media go, the west gets infiltrated

Most americans dont give a shit about my country

I am proud of it and you can all fuck off

Yeah because he controls the state run media and didnt carry out electoral reform that he promised

the conservative candidate won the popular vote in the last election anyway

and we can blame women and nonwhites for the rest

we dont use the electoral college

we dont have a seperate election for our pm and our ministers

imagine believing in natural rights

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